History leading up to my "happiness" thread

by Junction-Guy 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Some of you seem perplexed as to my latest threads, I thought I would give you a little background.

    About 3 years ago, Amanda and I met up with an XJW elder here in Knoxville. It started out OK, but deteriorated rapidly. I told him about my letter writing campaigns, and about my picketing. He became very rude to me, and Amanda can even attest to that fact.

    He told me that I should just give up, quit trying as I will never succeed. He was very condescending and it was starting to make me furious. He then spouts off the old "happiness is the best revenge" spiel.

    He seemed so bitter himself, and couldnt even crack a smile or at least act pleasant.

    He "forgot" to mention something very crucial.

    Fastforward a few months down the line, I meet up with another XJW that knew him personally.

    Apparently this persons happiness didnt come without great pain to his family. I found out that he cheated on his wife, dumped her and tore his family apart. His wife was a really sweet person I was told, and he did her dirty along with his kids.

    I can think of at least one poster on this board who is getting the stink end of the stick by her ex husband, while he roams free,pursuing his happiness and leaving a major burden on his EX.

    Point is that while alot of people may say that "happiness is the best revenge" Their happiness came at great cost to those who loved them.

    There are hundred of other similar scenarios that have played out on this board that I know of personally.

    That is why I get my feathers ruffled when I hear that overused expression.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, you listened to second hand information about someone and let it completely determine what you think of that person and any who use similar expressions to what he used? Is that correct?

  • BFD


    I've read bits and pieces of your recent happiness threads.

    Why concern yourself with other peoples happiness? Why not figure out what it is that will make you happy and pursue that? I think it is arrogant of you to judge other people and how they achieve their own "happiness".

    I try to be a happy person and for the most part outwardly I am. I still have inner conflicts but I try not to let them drag me down.


  • Junction-Guy

    No, he was a smart ass that showed his true colors. What was told to me was from a reliable source and only reinforced what I thought I already knew.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    double post

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How did you "already know" about him? Is this the same way you know who I am, what my suffering has been, and whom and how I've helped with their problems? Is this the same way you know my advice is not based on experience, is hollow, and is unempathetic?

  • Junction-Guy

    By his actions, his rudeness, and his lack of empathy. Anybody that could do something like that to his wife and children, I guess you cant expect empathy from them. If they treat their family crappy, why should I be expected to be treated any better?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    JG, you keep talking about how others have treated you. How do you feel you treat other people?

  • BFD


    Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.


  • sweetface2233

    So everyone in the "happiness crowd" shit all over other people to get there?

    I don't know the guy and I don't know his situation, but I know my father and what he did to my mom and our family. Yes, for many years he was a liar and cheated on my mother as well as neglected my siblings and I. He was absolutely miserable as a JW and in his marriage. That doesn't excuse what he did, but no one on this earth has the right to judge why anyone else does what they do. My father is now the happiest that he has ever been and I am happy for him. As for my mother, she is now remarried to a guy who is her "soul mate" and is very happy, herself. She doesn't dwell on what my father did and actually asks me about him every so often.

    No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Furthermore, if you have ever been truly miserable in a marriage, like I have, you can understand how someone could be so uncaring and visious to their mate. I know I was. It didn't excuse what I did, but it sure put happiness into perspective.

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