HS I'm not sure that I consider tattoos as in fashion per se. Certainly I will agree with you they are more socially accepted, but the vast majority of my friends are not tattooed.
All of the women however are pierced. I'm not what the history of piercing goes back to in Western culture, probably a "fashion" that has lasted quite a long time. I am not pierced. I in fact agreed with my father's decision and do not have my ears pierced because pretty much everyone has them done and I wanted to be different. The tattooing therefore for me was definitely not following a trend, if I had been thus a victim to fashion (which as you acknowledge we have all been) then yep I'd be sorely disappointed and looking for the nearest laser when the fad ended. But as I had it done as a purging and as marking the end of the first chapter of my life it will ALWAYS be relevant to me personally, no matter what fashion trends are in existence.
To an extent Richie has used body to mark milestones and also as memorabilia of his past, as well as finding some peace through pain and having a lot of fun with it. I too worry that maybe has had too much done, but he looks in the mirror and likes what he sees and isn't that is what most important. If we like who we are then there were always be ones who appreciate us back. I just really think the tarring every person who has a tattoo with the same brush isn't fair. For some of us its been a highly charged, spiritual and cathartic process as well as contributing to a visual identity. It certainly wasnt because a handful of silly girls at college decided to get dolphins stamped at the base of their spine and we couldn't but resist the urge to do the same.
Respectfully (as I know you do have Richie's best interests at heart - sometimes I want to throttle him too, but he'd have way too much fun ;-0