Just a little Update...(with pictures)

by RichieRich 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • forsharry

    Then stop judging him. If what he or anyone else that chooses body modification for themselves clashes with your sense of esthetics, morality, normalcy, mental health, then walk on by. Not your prob. I think the whole concept of "Normal" is a snare and a racket. In Richie's pictures he's so damn happy you can feel it coming off the screen, and it's not your place to pass judgement on that. If it's not your thing, groovy...I appreciate differences in opinion...but it's no one's place to force your window view on life onto others. That's where the joy of livinig is for crying out loud!

    I didn't start getting my tattoos till i was 28 years old...and I find that I have met SO many more people because of it. Great convo starters, that's for sure. Do what you want as long as it harms none. Other than that sod off. He's doing it for him. I really HATE it when people say I have my tattoos for other people. Bollocks to that! They mean something to ME...I don't give a rats arse if you get em or if you like em, and if you choose to judge someone by their tongue or their ears then that's your problem.

    Richie is so much more of an eloquent writer than I, and I really think he handled the nay-sayers regally.

    My final answer for those who think it's faddish or 'what will you do later on in life?' Ya'll...when we're 80, (if we ever reach 80)...hate to say it but we're gonna look like hell.

    I really don't care if my geisha tattoo becames a persian rug, or my flying cats turn into dragging turtles. They're my experiences, and my memories and they also in time evolve and change...maybe blur and fade. They're my notches on the totem pole of life.

    I celebrate your notches, Richie...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Forsharry, were you trying to say something? I almost thought you were speaking for a moment. ;-)

  • forsharry

    hmmm ::looks up::

    nah. I don't know what the heck I was thinking. ;)

    carry on! Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see here. ;)

  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Startingover those pics really opened my eyes. 2nd row, the first picture. Can anyone picture the guy at the office, hiding that in his pants.

    Now I want everyone to close their eyes, and think about "THE" guy that passes you in the hallway at work. That is a picture of what he looks like!!!!

  • hillary_step
    I didn't start getting my tattoos till i was 28 years old...and I find that I have met SO many more people because of it. Great convo starters, that's for sure. Do what you want as long as it harms none. Other than that sod off. He's doing it for him. I really HATE it when people say I have my tattoos for other people. Bollocks to that! They mean something to ME...I don't give a rats arse if you get em or if you like em, and if you choose to judge someone by their tongue or their ears then that's your problem.


    Oh... the post is serious.

    I really HATE it when people say I have my tattoos for other people. Bollocks to that! They mean something to ME

    Rubbish. Your tattoos are decorations wrought on your body for other people to enjoy and notice. At least be honest about this.

    Get tatooed, meet people....lol. Until you understand that you have become a sheepish follower of fashion and all that this entails, you will always remain a victim of self-deception.

    As for this issue of judging people by appearance, as I have repeatedly intoned, I do not judge a person by their appearance, I judge them by the kind of person they are within. That given, that a person chooses to decorate their body for the sake of onlookers, it does show something about the person they are within.


  • hillary_step



    I wish that you could see that these people are just trying to be individuals and expressing the creative side of their personalities - just ask their psychiatrists. ;)


  • primitivegenius
    Maybe instead of an accident looking for a place to happen, you are more like someone lost at sea ... no adult direction or supervision.

    rosalee i think first thing you should do is shut the hell up and read RR's posts........... .

    you will find out EXACTLY what kinda mom he has

    one more point......... by his response you should be able to grasp just a bit about who he is, but from his posts you will KNOW who he is then you can say what you want and be ignored by the rest of us who know him

    PS ritchie glad to hear from ya, and know your doing well. GF is very nice lookin. keep in touch

  • Rosalee

    primitive ... WHAT???????

    In your case primitive applies.

    Genius .... in your dreams. What a joke!!!!!

    Is your so called post to me (gibberish) supposed to be understood in the English language?

    I thought not ... now go back under your rock and wait for someone to rattle your chain ;)

  • eclipse

    (removed due to a waste of time)

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