fab pics!!!!so,i guess you are not a 'lurker',still posing as an elder?harhar..you look great!!!does the split tongue interfere at all w/your speech? or can one work w/it?just curious,never met anyone w/one b4...your lady is drop dead beautiful!
Just a little Update...(with pictures)
by RichieRich 151 Replies latest jw friends
I've been losing weight. Like a mad man. I guess my weight peaked at like 350-360 sometime in high school, while I was still a dub and eating loads of homecooked meals and not going to the gym regularly. I stood on the scale today and I'm 265. I'm doing at least 25 miles a week at the gym as well as doing the bikes and all that jazz. I can't really find a good before / after picture, seeing as how I wear pretty lose clothing, so it's not obvious. But I've lost probably 8 or 9 inches off my waist and I put an old suit jacket on the other day and this single breasted jacket, which used to have maybe an inch of overlap, overlapped the entire width of my body. I could touch my ribs on either side with the edges.
Well done! It is good to see you getting healthier. I hope that your example inspires others to follow suit.
Hey Rich,
What does the split tongue do to your speech? Do you lisp? When you say "flip," does it sound like a fart? Sorry.....really, does it affect your speech?
Oh, kids-
the tongue doesn't affect speech at all. I still sound completely normal. Even when it was freshly done, my speech wasn't altered at all.
And Hillary-Step just gave me a compliment. I can die happy now.
horrible life
In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, "Not that there's anything wrong with that" .
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but... how hard is it to reverse a split tongue?
And, I accidentally bite my tongue all the time. Is it even worse worse split?
wow RR, your pictures have such a great aura about them, your words and accomplishments are uplifting and your girlfriend is drop dead gorgeous!!!!!! Good On YA!!!
I'm glad you checked in Richie. I always wonder how you're doing. You look great and your girlfriend does too. It's obvious that you're in a much happier place now. Alright!!!!
Some questions:
The tongue split? I've never seen that. Can you wiggle each side separately or do they work together? Can you feel or taste food in the split part?
How big will you make your ear lobe?
Does the nose ring make it hard to blow your nose? (I know, gross, but I've never had anyone else to ask).
The tongue split? I've never seen that. Can you wiggle each side separately or do they work together? Can you feel or taste food in the split part?
In time, I'll be able to do some really neat tricks with my tongue. For the time being, I can sort of move each side independently, but I haven't done much practicing in front of a mirror. I can feel in the middle, but I won't be able to taste in it for another month or so. We're actually going back in and splitting further back to further lengthen the two halves. The procedure is relatively painless and there's a lot of bleeding, but otherwise, it heals very quickly.
How big will you make your ear lobe?
my lobes are 1 3/8ths" right now. my goal is somewhere around 2 to 2.25". If I never hit that mark, I don't care. But I do plan to stretch them further.
Does the nose ring make it hard to blow your nose? (I know, gross, but I've never had anyone else to ask).
No problem man. I blow my nose like anyone else, I just have to wipe carefully. Otherwise its not really noticeable.
Thanks Richie. I appreciate you answering me so quickly.
Dude, in the way that Osama is Bush's poster boy for terrorism, you're the new poster boy for the WTS. I would love to see your pic in a WT article someday with the caption:
Unfortunately, some youths have left Jehovah's organization to pursue worldy goals
Damn, I could be a WT writer!