Are JW's really hated?

by lfcviking 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • lfcviking

    Jesus words:

    "the world will HATE you just like it has HATED me"

    The JW's think this passage of scripture spoken by Jesus applies to them in this present day. But do you think JW's are really hated?

    To me JW's are more perceived by people in general as being as a bit odd, perculiar, strange and at the very worst a nuisance with their constant door knocking on Saturday & Sunday mornings.

    The only case that i can think of where JW's are hated by people is when they allow their children to die for refusing them a blood transfusion when in need of one.

    When you compare them to the Jews for example, the Jews have had more than their fair share of hatred from various sources past & present and in comparison to the JW's there seems to be a clear difference.

    Otherwise at the most the JW's are just a pest or an object of amusement to some people. So why is it they have this misconception that they are truly hated?


  • Rooster

    If you truly want to find out disassociate yourself for their religion. Talk about hate.

    The hate that Jesus was speaking about applied to true Christians not Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Read the book of Acts..

  • Gopher

    If "hatred by nations" is proof of divine favor, the JW's can line up with a lot of hated groups. Scientology anyone?

    JW's are a minor annoyance to most people. However sometimes WTS leadership deliberately provokes nations in order to stir up attention or sympathy. Think of Nazi Germany, or Malawi in the 1970's. By taking militant stands against dangerous governments, they set up persecution and hatred of the world against their followers.

    So if and when the JW's are hated, they often have needlessly brought it on themselves.

  • Maddie

    The real hatred comes from the JW's towards everyone and everything that isn't a part of the WT organisation. This hatred is no more evident than in the way they treat former members by their inhumane practise of shunning.

    As far as the JW's themselves being the object of hatred, as far as I can see, the general public don't even think about them much. It's only those who have had involvement with them or have family that are involved with them and been hurt, that hate the WT org.


  • jaguarbass

    I dont think it's just JW's. I would think that thinking people have a disgust for all bible thumping Christians and all of the other assorted religious fanatics of the world.

    Sad thing is there arent that many thinking people.

    And governments like to eliminate those who think.

  • Honesty

    JW's really hate everyone and can't wait until they all become bird seed.

  • James Free
    James Free
    Otherwise at the most the JW's are just a pest or an object of amusement to some people. So why is it they have this misconception that they are truly hated?

    I used to think that the world hated JW's when I was one. It is what the publications promote to make members feel more isolated and in need of other JW's for support. I also used to think the JW's were a large organization -as big as some European nations - busy preaching all over the Earth.

    The truth is a lot different. Most people have little interest one way or another, and know very little about JW's. By far the majority of people in the world have little contact with JW's either, apart from an occasional attempt by JW's on a Saturday to peddle their mags.

    I moved away, so I am not known by JW's in my new location. I have looked forward to having a conversation with them when they call - that has yet to happen once in 2 years.

    They are actually a very small organisation when considered globally. There are 48 million in the world who are blind - 20,000 children die every day in Asia alone from preventable illnesses etc. 6 million globally is very small. And very few Witnesses who knock doors EVER do more than offer the mags - they RARELY want to/are able to actually discuss religion to any depth.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Maybe it depends on the political regimes the JWs confront, plus their own built-in paranoia. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, esp. if you're born-in.

    I don't think all people hate the JWs; it's just that they (the JWs) believe it; so, if you point out failed prophecies or issues like pedophilia, they assume it's hate speech or hate mail, when all you're trying to do is tell them the real truth.

    It's a pisser. No. Not everybody hates them; a lot of us feel sorry for them, even though we're mad about how we've been treated by them. Anger isn't the same as hatred.

    And information isn't hate mail. But people with a persecution complex will call education about their cult "propaganda" or hate.

    Edited to say: I think that's the reason I've just about given up on my JW family. I feel like a tear.

    Anyway, I was brought up with the same persecution complex issues, too. It simply translated into intense social anxiety and major trust issues as an adult, even though I don't buy any of the Craptower ideas. I still struggle to feel safe with others period. No, I don't believe everybody hates me; it just feels that way sometimes.

  • flipper

    Uh, how about , yes ? I have heard many comments from people considered to be in the "world " in the last 4 years I have been out of the witnesses , and yes most all the comments are of the "hate " variety. I have even heard them use the H word in describing witnesses. But, it ends up backfiring on us when we try to talk with witness relatives to convince them to reconsider their beliefs, because they look at any test put upon them as persecution , something to be proud of to endure as a martyr would. So if witnesses are hated , they get off on it actually , because then it makes them feel like real followers of Christ since he went through that, and said that his followers would too ! So the more crap we throw on them , it makes them feel more chosen with God . Insane, but it's true! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Yup, Mr. flipper, it's like self-fulfilling prophecy, in a way. That's how it was when I was a wee young'un, anyway.

    But I still don't think everyone hates them the way they believe they're hated, do you?

    Their obnoxious behavior and attitudes do make a lot of people want to run away.

    I think quite a few truly "spiritual" or ethical people really find themselves unable to hate them.

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