Gregor - don't start me on the War, lol. Apparently, JWs were persecuted more than the Jews (yes, the ones I've spoken to actually believe this!)
Are JW's really hated?
by lfcviking 22 Replies latest jw friends
I agree most of the comments in this subject. Indeed, people DON'T really care about JW's. People have their life, their daily problems, the struggle to survive in this modern world, how to earn their daily bread, their families.
When I left JW's 6 years ago I realize that, and indeed most of the people don't have a CLUE what Jw's believe. I'm living in country were the ratious of JW's is 1 to 360. Indeed NO GOOD NEWS are preached and people are in completely darkness regarding the "kindom message". And I'm supposed to leave in a European country with 28,000 JW's. Imagine what is happening in the 3rd world, or India and China that they represent the 1/4 of the population of the earth!!!
JW's are not hated. I have seen it , and most people think they are a strange "religion".The only reason that it might be disturbance to the people is in the blood issue, and when a child needs blood to survive. And indeed it is a good reason for someone to become upset. The "Jw's logic" it is insanity for the ordinary human people. How come God wants your child to die?
This "hate" technic is a part of the mind control that GB is using to control their followers. The Satan world vs "Gods people". Black and white, us vs them.
Blondie, excellent point. I was a book study conductor for years. I knew of only a few JW's who didn't try to avoid FS. If they are so sure people will die unless they become JW's, then where is the urgency while working a territory. I never saw a group of people who looked at their watches every ten minutes hoping that it was time to quit for the day.
The WT teaches "conditional love". This is the opposite of what Jesus taught. And when they say, "Jesus did this or that so we can too", they forget that they aren't on the same level as Jesus was. It is ludicrous that mental misfits like most of the GB should EVER believe that they alone can be so arrogantly judgmental about the future of the world and who will make it or not. Maybe all the JW's will die because of their conduct. What irony!!