I spoke to my JW mother...

by coolhandluke 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Good for you. Forgiveness is good for the heart.


  • dawg

    Damn dude, you're a way better man than I... I got sick to the core after 18 years, of having my family tell me they love me, then sending me photos of "family vacations" that i was never invited to. That's not love to me... love means what your doing, accepting family warts and all. Maybe it's me that sees it worng, I just can't say i love my family and allow them to be in this foolish manmade cult which destroys their chances at a better life without saying nothing. But isn't all this the pisser, do we ever really know what the right course of aciton is? I'd say, hell no we don't!

  • delilah

    CHL...you have a good heart. Your mom is SO missing out.

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