Do you ever get nausea when encountering JW stuff

by Sirona 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It's quite the elaborate marketing scheme isn't when you think about it

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Driving past a Kingdom Hall,is like driving past an open septic tank

    Good comparison!

    I drove past a couple Kingdumb Hells ...shudder....on the way back from Arkansas.....oh...and I wish I had taken a pic of one building I passed..almost turned around, but it was raining....

    OUTLAW'S BAR & GRILL.... I immediately thought of you.

    I still have 2 full bookcases of lit and bound volumes...anyone want it? cause its just a constant reminder of something I dont want reminding of.

    Snakes ()

  • blueviceroy

    The miasma of corruption that constitutes the body of work performed by faithfull and discrete slaves makes me want stick my finger down my throat.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Interesting comments. I can relate to what many of you have said. I have been out over twenty years and still can't bring myself to read any of the crap they print. In my wifes family I can see first hand the damage done by following the teachings of the WT.

  • Alwayshere

    All the time!

  • R.F.

    I really don't like it when the WT literature is in my site.

    I have so much literature stock piled however. I'm along with Snakes here and am willing to offer mine to anyone that wants it.

    I have so much that alot of it is at my parent's house, and my JW father threatened that he'll throw it all away if I don't take it away from there, since i'm not attending meetings anymore. I told him he could do whatever he wanted with it.



    Oompa..Your frigg`n hilarious!..LOL!!.............Snakes..Cheers my man!..Cheers 8..LOL!!............If you got WBT$ Literature turn it into MONEY!..Think Ebay!...OUTLAW


    Oompa..Your frigg`n hilarious!..LOL!!.............Snakes..Cheers my man!..Cheers 8..LOL!!............If you got WBT$ Literature turn it into MONEY!..Think Ebay!...OUTLAW

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am slowly amassing an extensive library of WT litterature, both scanned and hard copy.

    It doesn't give me nausea when I read it, but my attention span drops to about 30 seconds.

    I put this down to my mental defence mechanism that I developed as a child.

    I really have to concentrate hard to read and understand their past and present 'increasing light' articles so that I can keep up with the play and be ready with a comment when the opportunity arises.



  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    I start getting the feeling of suppression or claustrophobia and a feeling like "I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I need fresh air."

    Sometimes I feel that way about it, too, Gayle.

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