I don't believe God is a liar at all. You have to understand that the Genesis account which many believe was written down for the Jewish nation by Moses, was actually orally told for hundreds of years before Moses was even born. Some even believe the story was borrowed from other nations around before the Isealites and retold by Moses.
I believe the purpose of the Genesis account being told is to simply explain how man came into being. But some of it such as that God created woman because it was not good for man to be alone, I believe is the opinion either of the original teller of the story or Moses who put the creation story in written form. Of course it was God's intention for man to procreate the earth so woman was needed whether or not Adam asked for her to be created.
You will rack your brain trying to understand the bible if you take everything literal. Now I personally believe the bible has merit and parts of it were inspired by God (the prophetic parts that is), but I don't believe it is all to be read with a literal intepretation. The Genesis account is a good example to use to see why literalism does not work.
It says in Genesis that man was made from the dust of the earth. What exactly does this mean? Do you think God literally picked up a pile of dirt and fashioned man like a potter with clay, using his giant hands? Or, could it mean God used the elements found in the dirt to make man? Interestingly, scientists agree that you will find in the human body the same elements found in dirt of the earth. Another thing to consider is that even if God created man it does not mean that evolution did not have a part in it. Again Genisis simply states "man was made from the dust". It does not go into detail as to HOW God actually made man. If it did, we will probably not be able to understand it even today (man that is) let alone men in ancient times.
who can understand God's thoughts? No one can. And remember the Bible is a book although inspired of God, was written by men. Some whom were very simple. They were trying to express thoughts about God and life all the while struggling to understand God and the world around them themselves. And included in this book we know are histories, prophecies, poetry, illustrations, and many other types of writings that are NOT to be taken as literal.