Threefold Cord in Witness Marriages- It's Not Enough to Make Marriage Work

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Hello folks. Thought this would be an important subject to discuss, got the idea for this based on reading from some posters the concern they have for the imbalanced views witnesses have of their marriages. I have some experience in this, as I was married 19 years to a witness woman (staunch fanatical witness ) , whom I married at age 19 in 1979 as a witness myself. First of all, most of us raised in this organization married too young and were not mature enough emotionally , financially, or mentally to take on the responsibility of taking care of a marriage mate. And to be blatantly honest, many of us at that age as witnesses , the only way we could have acceptable " legal " sex in the witness organizations eyes , was to marry young. So many of us felt pressured to marry young so we could stay in good standing in the organization.

    That being said, we were also told that to have a happy, successful marriage we needed to have Jehovah as a third party in this marriage with us and our partner to make it work. We essentially were taught that if this main factor was in our marriage that all the other problems we'd have would work out, if we just put trust in Jehovah ! Well, I'm here to say from personal experience and from what I've seen in others marriages this is just not true! We were lied to and decieved, made to feel that the only important thing to make a marriage work was serving God.

    I empathized yesterday reading some posters who are still married to witnesses , say, " The only thing my wife/ husband and I had in common was the fact we were witnesses. " So therein lies I feel a lot of the problem. Most books on relationships, psychologists, and relationship counselors today feel that to make a good relationship work between men and women, there needs to be mutual respect for one another, and common emotional skills of dealing with other people , similar interests in life, common goals, much sense of humor, ability to make each other laugh, and ability to laugh at oneself too. Good communication skills and supporting one another through hard times and good. Understanding our partners vulnerabilities, but not berating them for it, but empathizing with them to help them understand themselves. It takes awareness of their sexual needs, and the love and unselfishness to please that other person and look out for their needs.

    So, I could go on and on, but you get the point. For a marriage to work it takes two people pulling together and being there for each other, committed to the marriage , and not committed more to an organization which tells you your marriage comes second to your relationship with God. If all people have is just a similar religious belief , how will they keep it together if they were not a good match in the first place? Some people just are so different in their likes, dislikes, values, morals, and have nothing in common, that it may be more work , perhaps too much work to ever make it work for them. So what's my point? Make sure if you choose a prospective marriage mate or partner , choose carefully so they don't drive you crazy the rest of your life. Choose someone you feel really comfortable in really being yourself with, and you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not. If you choose based on common interests and same values in life , you probably will find your right match. it took me 46 years to find my right match, but when I did, there was no question about it. I've never been happier, and with Mrs. Flipper I truly feel like I'm finally at home , peaceful . So what do you all think? Do you think that it takes a lot more than just common religious beliefs to make a relationship or marriage work? What have you found that works for you ? I look forward to hearing your replies, whether married, single, a couple, looking or not looking, it would be good to get your takes. Hope this finds you all healthy, and trying to get real happiness in your lives, like we all are shooting for. Peace out friends, Mr. Flipper

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I always found it sad for one person that I knew, who’s partner pioneered and they were always at home waiting for them. But I think that marrying for common spiritual interests is a big mistake and misses out some of the more vital elements as you have said Mr. Flipper. Compatibility has to be the most important surly.

    I think that the other problem is the fact that there is very limited choice and so people are pressured to marry with compromise in view. It is sad to see a marriage that is forced to stay together when there is absolutely no life left in it.

    I think that two people should only be married if they love each other, not because they both love a God.

  • flipper

    MR. MAJESTIC- Yes, I agree , compatibility is very important. And I agree part of the problem with witnesses hooking up was there was not enough variety of people to choose from . But you are right, it should be a man and woman loving each other and not whether they share a faith that makes them stay together

  • jwfacts

    The Watchtower implies that JWs have a significantly lower divorce rate than the general population. This is incorrect, and I have found from government statistics and studies that JWs have the same divorce rate as the general population.

  • oompa
    Flip: If all people have is just a similar religious belief , how will they keep it together if they were not a good match in the first place? Some people just are so different in their likes, dislikes, values, morals, and have nothing in common, that it may be more work , perhaps too much work to ever make it work for them.

    You know what I think and feel already flipper and all. However, just like the one marrying very young like I did, all those things above may or may not matter. When a JW and horny as hell, you somethimes have no choice but to push all those little "good match" out the window and get married and get at it.........oompa

  • flipper

    Thanks for your responses.

    JW FACTS- Thanks for the information on the divorce rate for different denominations. It shows JW's divorce just as much as non JW's.

    OOMPA- Yeah, I know what you mean. Most of us when we were young were just trying to see who we could find in the kingdom hall and could not be too picky because the pickings were slim. So a lot of our decisions were made on hormones ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • helncon

    When i went to my dads wedding earlier this year i just couldn't believe how much they emphasis that Jah must be within the marriage. This a jw wedding have been to as an adult.

    It takes more than god to be in a marriage it had to do with the two people who make this commitment first they have to work together and be on the same level and have respect for each other and care for each others 'needs'.

    On the outside looking in on my parents marriage the problem was that my dad was taking care more of his spiritual need than what it was of his families, yes he was a good provider but no not as a good husband who could not support his wife when she needed his help.

    I totally agree that there are to many who get married young, you need to get out and enjoy life DATE other people not just for a prospective marriage mate.

    Then i think of all the arranged marriages that hapen in western cultures how do they manage to work for so many years.

    I'm glad Mr flipper you have had a second chance of happiness.


  • tula
    successful marriage we needed to have Jehovah as a third party in this marriage

    I think similar spiritual beliefs are important. But there is a big difference between having "Jehovah" in a marriage and having the entire BOE and GB in bed with you. BIG DIFFERENCE. Heck. That really crowds out even an extra long king size. It won't work!!!

    I think communication is the most important thing. Even if your values and morals differ, with good communication, the other can understand your point and at least come to compromise. When you have those 2 factors, many other things will fall into place. It takes a partner who is willing to listen and consider your feelings. It also takes speaking up and not expecting the other to be a mind reader.

    People grow and change...and sometimes they outgrow each other, especially if the partner does not have flexibility or can show interests in what the other person might like to pursue. There has to be a continual sharing of experiences and thoughts. Sometimes, what you needed in a partner at 20 is not what you need at 50. Unless a couple can grow together, there is bound to come a time when they go separately (emotionally)...even if they are still together.

    Too many times, people expect their partner to fulfill them and make them happy. That is too much responsibility for one person to live up to. We each have to find or make our OWN happiness...not depend on someone else to supply it for us. That's quite a demand. Some people never even realize that that is an unrealistic demand.

    Relationships work best when both partners can make acontribution to the growth and advancement of the unity. You can't do that if you are living in your partners shadow.

    I don't think a marriage should be defined on religion. It can be an aspect of it, but certainly not the bonding factor.

    I have heard it said that children are the glue in a marriage bond.

    Well, I think that third cord ...if its the BOE and not a bond, but rather a bondage. That cord has a cement block tied to it.

  • flipper

    Thanks for your responses !

    HELNCON- I agree that the committment of the couple and respect for each other has to be of prime concern. How many times I have heard stories like you say about your dad, and other elders in the congregations who were giving more attention to their positions and responsibility in the congregation than to their wives or marriages. I think this has definitely happened a lot. It becomes an accident waiting to happen in the marital relationship soon after ! Thanks for your kind words Helen, Yeah, me and the Mrs. are happy ! Peace.

    TULA- I agree that good communication and listening to one another are very important. Also being willing to speak up, be honest about your feelings, and being willing to compromise are all important. Growing together emotionally and sharing together . And I agree that partners should contribute to each others happiness on an equal level and respect they both have a committment to do that Thanks.

  • WTWizard

    The Watchtower Society is effectively saying that two people that are not at all attracted to each other should marry because they are both highly active in the field misery. I can assure them that it will not work, since they will be tempted into adultery. Beyond that, they will probably find so much to fight about that the marriage would be better off not attempted. And, it would be non-satisfying (just the way the Tower likes).

    Besides, having a Tyrant in a marriage is sure to bust it up. At the very least, it leads to stagnation and sucks the joy right out of it. Any common goal aside full time service to Jehovah would have to go. Then, even if they were somewhat attracted to each other, Jehovah would kill off any initiative by dictating exactly what goes on in the bedroom. Having children that are God machines becomes the sole goal of the marriage, and beating them into submission is required. This is the WRONG reason to marry!

    And that's if they allow the marriage to start in the first place. They place so many obstacles in the path that it's a wonder two people of the opposite sex meet at all. It is wrong for them to spend any time in situations where anything could develop, even if the odds against it are ridiculously long. Then they have to face Brother Hounder at each step of courtship. They look for any reason they can create to bust it up at every stage of the game. Then they have to stick their damn noses into the business of the couple (they ought to look up 1Thess 4:11 before doing that). Any wonder that the bond can form under these conditions?

    I think that third strand in the marriage has to go. Far from strengthening anything, all it does is coerce the couple. Without that third strand, the other two could get far stronger than it could with. One thing that is left out is that cords of two strong strands are much stronger than cords with two regular strands and a third strand made of abrasive material that erodes the other two strands. As I see it, God has ruined my chances and he can stay the fxxx out of my life.

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