A Virtual Party for Changeling

by journey-on 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Did I mention I love you guys?

    Here's another hug:


  • JK666


    Can I get virtually drunk at your virtual party?


  • JK666

    Oh, and my country song:

    Jimmy Buffett - "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw"


  • journey-on

    Oh, boy. It's getting late now and the heavy duty partiers are showing up. Welcome all.

    Love the Jimmy Buffet stuff. I like the one "My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, and I Don't Love Jesus."

    We'll play both tonight! Go grab you a virtual beer or a soft drink and help yourself to the barbeque.

    There's brisket, ham, and links, potato salad, cole slaw, corn-on-the-cob, and lots of condiments.

    We're still waiting on someone to show up with desserts.

    Right now, the band is playing a Toby Keith song: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SW3mWI2Rmkc

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Changeling:

    You're the cream in my coffee,

    You're the salt in my stew.

    You will always be my necessity,

    I'd be lost without you.

    I'll bring coffee and cream and a tasty, salted stew, but it's necessary for you to show me the way as I'm sure to get lost ...

    Is the above country and western?


  • sass_my_frass

    all round. I'd like somebody to notice my new dress please!

  • journey-on

    OMG! Everyone has turned to look at Sass_my_Frass. She looks exquisite in her butter creme colored long chamois broomstick tiered skirt with

    matching western style yoked blouse. Her boots are a rich brown leather. They may be Luccheses (I can't really tell from this distance.) They have

    that 1-1/2" heel perfect for dancing. I absolutely love the silver and leather thonged belt low on her waist and her dark suede leather hat is the finishing touch.

    Oh, boy! She's groovin' to the music already as the band starts a song you can shake your hips to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Oz7PxoFl6lQ

    Edited to add: Tula, what are you doing up there in the hay loft? Who's that up there with you? OMG! I wish I hadn't seen that!

  • journey-on

    I got your message, Tula. Sass denies the clothes are yours. Maybe I could loan you a pair of jeans and my old "George Bush for President" T-shirt from 2004

  • journey-on
    Well, I still have my cell phone. I think I will call 911 and send for a handsome paramedic. I think I am going to have a fainting spell now.

    Does that mean you don't want the T-shirt?

  • RisingEagle

    Hey ya'll, I just wanted to drop this song off should anyone feel the need for a slow dance. It's just a little George Straight.


    Ya'll enjoy!

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