I go into the blood mobil today as I usually do every 8 weeks. They ask me a gezillion questions like have I had sex with a prostitute and etc. I answer no as usual. (to my disappointment). Anyway the nurse STRAPS ME TO THE BED (OK I emblish a little) and takes out the 5 foot long needle (maybe not quite that large) and RAMS IT INTO MY VEINS. Well it seems that way. Anyway to make a long story short. I donate my unit of blood go to the end of the bus and have my Orange juice and Little Debbie snack cakes (I love this part) ( as if I could not purchase these items on my own) but I digress. They give me instructions not to remove the bandages for FIVE HOURS after donation. YE RIGHT. So I get home and rip them off immediately. So I'm about to go to my local Walmart and notice a slight bump on my arm. THE DAMN THING IS THE SIZE OF A GOLF BALL..... A slight hematoma to say the least....My recomendation if you give blood follow their INSTRUCTIONS...
I gave blood today and it hurt...
by zeroday 10 Replies latest jw friends
I'm going to donate blood on Monday morning. In the afternoon I'm going for my flu shot.
It's usually not totally painless - a little stinging sensation from the needle insertion, but yeah some of the nurses/techs they have sticking people with needles seem to enjoy the pain infliction part a little too much.
When I'm the one drawing blood or giving injections, most patients tell me that it was the least painful poke they've had during their hospital stay. I use the smallest needle possible to do the job and change needles between drawing medication out of a vial and injecting into the patient. It doesn't take much to dull a hypodermic needle, so I make sure the one going into the patient is not the same one that was poked through a rubber stopper and into a glass vial to draw up meds.
Last time I had a savage needle bruise, it must have been a bad vein day. They look after donors here though.
I'm going to donate blood on Monday morning.
Good for you Scully, I'm just a bone head red neck and don't follow instructions. The nurse that preped me showed me a pic of her grand son that received 4 units of blood at birth ( a complication I didn't ask about) and it brought all home to me...
If donating on one side becomes difficult-like plugging up-like my left arm, I have switched to my right arm. To control bruising, I have asked for some ice and that trick works. You must keep pressure on the puncture for 5 minutes or more, otherwise problems. I have donated 37 times and it taught me an important message. When my blood pressure exceeded what they allowed, I did something. I lost weight and did some vigorous exercise for about a year. Before 150 over104-declined. Now 120over 82 (normal). Plus they check my blood for abnormalities.
Hope the next time is better.
Sad emo
I'm banned from donating blood cos I fainted once after I'd left the centre
They treat blood donors very well here because there's such a shortage of donors. Worldtraveller, here they nearly always take blood from the least used arm - I reckon that's just in case you get any after-effects - good policy when you think about it.
Scully, my sister is a nurse and she says all nurses are better at doing bloods than doctors because they do it more often - practice makes perfect!!
I have given blood twice now, we have to wait 16 weeks between donations in the UK.
The first time the needle hurt a little going in, but the second time was fine. However, when you give blood for the first time they make you stay lying down for about 5-10 mins after donating. On my second go I was allowed to get up straight away. I had weird pins and needles in the arm and hand that they had taken the blood from, so I told the nurse and she told me to keep wiggling my fingers for a bit. The pins and needles stopped but then I came over really light headed and thought I was going to pass out. I told the nurse and she called for help and about 5 nurses came running over, it was so embarrassing. They layed me down and put a cold flannel on my head and I was ok in about 5 mins. The nurse told me that she could tell I was going to faint because all my colour had gone from my face. I had wondered why she kept hovering near me and asking me if I was ok.
Anyway, I'm still allowed to donate but I have to tell them next time about what happened and they will let me lie down for a bit so it doesn't recur.
I am such a drama queen, eh!
Sad emo
You should be ok bubble - they don't mind if you faint whilst still under their care but if you faint later like I did, its a sign that you're slow recovering and its dangerous. My problem is that my blood pressure is on the low side of normal - so they remove more blood from me and it plummets!
Make sure you don't rush around anywhere or do any heavy work once you leave the centre though, look after yourself
i did it once,in preperation for a surgery that i was going to have.it was one of the most unpleasant things that ive ever volunteeringly done,and ill never do it again.kudos to the folks that do,but not this cowboy..it was very very painful,and i had to lie still for what seemed a lifetime..yuck..im glad that it dosent affect every one that way,in fact some dont seem to be bothered by it at all.they deserve a big star!..but me?naw...