More than two months i come back to China from Germany, where i have stayed four years for study. After graduation i went to home immediately in order to live with my family. Before leaving Germany i got visit from Jehovah’s Witness and started to study Bible with them.but regrettably the study has continued only for few months. Now i am in China and it is hardly to communicate with Jehovah’s Witness. At present i have some troubles in life and can not find the correct solutions. i am depressed and lost faiths for the future. i miss so much the days when Jehovah’s Witness visited me and we discussed together the meaning of life. Every night i pray to God for the help that encourage me to persevere in studying Bible in China.
the life is hard to me
by zhangyigzcn 10 Replies latest jw friends
Dude- wrong site. I think what you are most likely to get is people telling you not to go ahead with it on this site. I would say, though, that it's your personal choice. That's if you're not a troll.
Communist China or Jehovah's Witnesses ?? decisions decisions !!
Communist China or Jehovah's Witnesses ?? ---- There's a difference? oh, maybe there is more freedom in Communism.
You don't need the jw's to study the bible in fact it would benefit you greatly not to study with them at all. The jw's are a destructive and deadly cult and not at all biblical, research that.
What is the weather like in China?
Do you speak Mandarin or Cantonese?
Do you still have Bird Flu epidemic? Is it true that the pigs now have the bird flu? I read it in China newspaper that may swine were now being destroyed because of it.
But this person's IP address is different from spiritboi.
Zhang -- We're a group of people who have found comfort and meaning AFTER leaving Jehovah's Witnesses. If you want to ask us how, I'm sure people here would be very happy to tell you.
Zhang....find this out quick...they are really nice caring people...but their bible is FAKE....There is no Jehovah mentioned in any New Testament Bible or manuscript IN THE WORLD except theirs...they have ADDED it. Maybe that will make you think more about what they teach from it.....Stick around....we care too.....oompa
So good you did 4 years of study,,was that college?,,what major?..Jehovah's Witnesses totally discourage college for its young people,,good for you to be with your family, if they are not Jehovah's Witnesses, you will totally be discouraged to be with your family unless they are JWs. Please study the whole facts of JWs through this website and hundreds of others with an investigative, analytical open-minded approach. The JWs seem to offer a form of hope but proves extremely false to that. They preach "soon" but proves very false to that but only will mind-control you. Communism may be unhopeful,,however, JWs offer no hope for your life now in reality. Continue to learn and continue to "think" for yourself and don't let anyone control your mind.
Zhangtrevor - stop it, you're killing me, LOL
i too went far from my homes family meet many gud peepel some bad. Jehova peepel tell me many gud thins. whin i hav to go back home i miss the biBle and allthe god talk but i cant find these peepel here in orgon and im to stupid to no how can contac gud peepel i new there. hep me hep me