Why no warnings against "fading" in the literature?

by sir82 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    It has been pretty firmly established that the WTS monitors ex-JW discussion boards generally, this one in particular.

    On this forum and others, the strategy of "fading" is often discussed. Fading can be defined as gradually lessening one's activity in the congregation to the point where he virtually "disappears", becoming inactive & attending virtually no meetings. Thus, a more or less "normal" life can be achieved without the stigma and privations of disfellowshipping.

    Other ideas on how to get around the pain of disfellowshipping discussed on this type of forum have been discussed, if not in the literature, at least in BOE letters. Things like "baptism nullification", "multiple personalities", youths avoiding baptism so as to not face the risk of D-F-ing, etc.

    So, whay not any warnings re: "fading"? Something along the lines of "Unfortunately, some associates of our organization have the idea that by 'fading from view', they can avoid the pain of disfellowshipping while enjoying the world to the full. Such a course of action is foolishness, because blah blah blah."

    What do you think? Why no such warnings?

    1) The Society doesn't think it really is a big problem

    2) They don't want to plant ideas in the minds of JWs who don't know any "faders" & who don't read internet forums

    3) They would be forced to admit the strategy is working

    4) Something else?

  • Junction-Guy

    A combination of #2 and #3

  • Junction-Guy

    Also I wouldnt doubt that the majority of people who leave the JW's are not disfellowshipped nor disassoiated, but faders.

    These faders quietly and slowly leave and try to remain off the radar to the JW's.

    I doubt the WT Society would want to stir up a potential hornets nest.

    If a JW were to leave, I would bet the WT Society would prefer that they just quietly go.

  • diamondblue1974
    I doubt the WT Society would want to stir up a potential hornets nest.

    If a JW were to leave, I would bet the WT Society would prefer that they just quietly go.

    I agree totally with this JG.


  • mathilde

    yes, I agree with JG too


  • MadTiger

    Good thoughts in this thread.

    The WTBTS already address the symptoms of the fader constantly. They continually warn against slacking off in your service.

  • Gopher

    There was a Watchtower study years back that had the illustration of being in a boat, DRIFTING from the shore. It happened so gradually that the person in the boat didn't notice.

    They don't call it fading, they call it "drifting" or drifting away. And it has been warned against in public talks.

    Of course, they attribute it to "spiritual weakness". They don't admit that someone can be disturbed by organization doctrine or by the conduct of its leadership.

  • MadTiger

    "disturbed by organization doctrine or by the conduct of its leadership."


    They don't want that to be the issue. So they paint anyone who leaves as weak, crazy, or selfish/greedy for material things and fleshly pleasures.

  • purplesofa

    They dont talk about calculated fadings......

  • Gayle

    The WTS refers to "inactive" ones all the time. They really don't know what to do with inactive ones too much. "Inactive" may be often considered for personal problems, but could be the beginning of "fader" = a "thinker." Either one, the WTS can't meet the challenge.

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