Not only do they judge non-believers. They judge each other! While in prison due to the neutrality issue, my faith was being wear off day by day by the brothers conduct! There was one guy who try to lord it over the brothers. Just because he has spend longer time in prison. Minor issues like washing the plates, weeding the grass, etc...he will want to decide for you yes or no. He does not allow our own conscience to tell us yes or no. There was a big shot from the ministry coming over to pick detainees up for questioning on assault cases in the camp. I was pick up to be questioned. That is the first time a JW was picked up for questioning.I told them about every assault cases I have witnessed. (only non JWs were assaulted. They don't assault JWs. In fact we enjoyed some privileges like free roaming on sundays /PH.) All the detainees selected was questioned for less than 5 mins, but mine last for 40 mins. Whatever unfairness I saw I spoke up. When I came out, all eyes were on me. The holier than thou bro face shows anger. And u know y he angry? Because what I have said may affect the living condition of JWs in the camp. They may be withdrawn some privileges. Two weeks later, JWs were separated. Previously JWs were locked up together(6 per cell). That means no more WT study, no more daily text discussion. But for meals, we still eat together. That is HELL for me. I became a SINNER in their eyes. Only two agreed with what I have done! Two months later, I decided that's it. I compromised and join the army. Till now I still don't think I did anything wrong. I will still do what I did again if time reverses back! The detainees are afraid to speak up, worrying of the consequences. JWs are selfish, they are no part of the world. They care only for themselves. Heard that a few were assaulted to death b4 I was there. Case was covered up as no one dare to testify. They forgotten Paul's words :' don't judge. for you will be judged.'