My daughter dancing

by MsMcDucket 29 Replies latest social entertainment

  • mrsjones5

    She doesn't look 16 to has been out go grrl!

  • restrangled

    Really Ms. Jones?

    My 20 year old son walked by my computer and asked what the Heck was I watching? Then asked who was shooting it and I said "the mom" and he answered WTh?....."too weird"


  • mrsjones5

    Really Ms. Jones?

    Yeah really

    In no way are you gonna make me think different. I see a young woman dancing...not a child.

  • restrangled


    Yes, thats what you see, but your not the only one looking......


  • mrsjones5

    and apparently you're looking too hard...damn get yer knickers untwisted cuz you're being really anal

  • Anti-Christ
    My political video! It may be too deep for some people!

    I liked it . I don't know if it's because I'm from Quebec or if it's because I was raised in a multi cultural family, I never really understood the "racial" problems in the U.S. I understand because of all the history but you still see a lot of stereotyping and some what of a "us and them" attitude in movies and T.V. shows. I always viewed all humans as being part of the same race, the rest is all about culture and education not race.

  • restrangled

    Ms J.

    Nope, my knickers aren't twisted.

    Whats twisted is to film a daughters butt dancing and put it on UTube for the world to see.

    Like my son said "Too Weird"

    Hope you don't have visions of doing the same....that in my opinion is "ahem" what I would call anal.


  • MsMcDucket

    Whats twisted is to film a daughters butt dancing and put it on UTube for the world to see.

    Like my son said "Too Weird"

    Does he feel the same way when he looks at Brittany Spears and Beyonce? They wear a helluva lot less clothing in their videos, and they really put on a show! My daughter's older than both of them!

  • mrsjones5

    Ok this is my take on this. MsMcD and daughter make a video of daughter dancing...a rather tame dance, I've seen wilder, both are adults over 30 and it's posted on youtube. You R take offence, I don't know maybe you can't shake your rump like the young lady but anywhoo you don't like it. Just because I see nothing wrong with it you think that something is wrong with me, MsD, and said daughter. But you're the one implying that MsD posted something mildly pornographic of a midteen doing a booty shake. Oh yeah something looks bad here baby and it ain't me or MsD or said daughter.

    Goodnite folks


  • MsMcDucket

    Restrangled, you remind me of a movie where the kids says "You ruined it for everybody!".

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