My daughter dancing

by MsMcDucket 29 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MsMcDucket

    Do you find this one less disturbing?

  • R.F.

    I don't see what the problem with the video is supposed to be. As was stated already, that's very tame in comparison other things i've seen.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Yobabysmama is the name you use to post videos. I almost cracked up.


    2 Weeks ago, Kentucky University played LSU and won. A star of the Kentucky team, that night, was Freshman Derrick Locke, from my home town. He was named player of the game, and huge write up in the state paper.

    Oklahoma University, passed on him. The rumor was, that the coach of OU didn't like his reputation. He just graduated high school last year, and has fathered more than 1 child, and rumored to have fathered several.

    He was all the talk at church that Sunday, (in a good way), at the fellowship dinner, coming from our town and all, until one of the older ladies, and my neighbor said,

    "There were all these girls watching the game on TV, holding their babies, saying "Look at what yo daddy done!".

    The whole table went quiet. We didn't know whether to laugh or not. My neighbor is about 75+ year old black lady, who loves to bake cookies for the neighborhood kids. It wasn't until she cracked up, did we do the same. It was the funniest thing she has ever said.

  • MsMcDucket

    I get some weird responses to my videos. This is a response that I got from a man that looked at a video of my husband.

    Since ever, I always wanted to be one-legged like him. I envy him.
    I would alterate my pant leg the same way, to put my *bleep* into it.
    It is very emotioning for me.Gives me a lot of emotion, I don't know why. I think I was an amputee in another life, or will be one.
    I had many amputee partners in my life,because I was only attracted by this kind of women, but I think I was looking for myself into them.
    Thank you again for this image, it touches me a lot.

    I'm thinking WTF? How the heck did he get that out of the video? I had to block him! And he's not the only one! Look at the links attached to the video! Now, that's disturbing!

  • MsMcDucket

    HorribleLife, I'd a cracked up too! Some people respond to me by saying "that's one of my babies songs"! I ask them where's my check!?

  • MsMcDucket
  • MsMcDucket
  • MsMcDucket
  • MsMcDucket

    I don't know if this will work or not?

    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="408" height="408">

    Powered by">AOL Video

  • MsMcDucket

    Senator Obama dancing! This is cute! He can dance! He's smooth! Just click on the first link.

    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="408" height="408">

    Powered by">AOL Video

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