Were any gadgets/new technology condemned in your congregation?

by badboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    oh yes,,i printed out the scriptures for the wt/book study on my new fangled dot matrix,,,

    was 'told' not to do that again

    was to look them up like every one else,,and cell phones, especially out in service, were bad

    although we had a few big shot real estate agents who had the $$$$$$ who got away with it, sheesh


  • WTWizard

    Numerous items, some seemingly low-tech. First, marking the books on the Bible in color-coded dots for ease of looking them up (the hounders didn't like the effect of colored dots on the pages, plus it took away too much work and made me look "stronger" than I was because I could locate a scripture quicker than even the hounders themselves).

    Second, they frowned on using pocket organizers to take down number. That was in the day when they were the size of calculators, and you could store names and addresses on them. They would be neat, numbers would be legible, and someone that looks up an apostate Web site and goes Not Interested could be deleted cleanly with a couple of button pushes. Instead, they wanted us writing them down on messy paper that could just as easily contain errors and get lost in a gust of wind.

    Our lead hounder and his family gave up cable TV to cram pioneering into their lives. That didn't save them all that much money, but it did allow them to pioneer without getting all those apostate shows on cable. They also cut way back on secular work (they have two children that as far as I know are still living with them in their late 20s, but it's not worth going there and getting recaptured to find out as they also wanted to ensnare me).

    My bicycle flashers. Those looked too much like Christmas lights. I simply told them it was either that or getting in trouble with the law for not having adequate lighting and creating a safety hazard. They grudgingly gave in on that.

    The Internet. They had talks hounding people to be extremely careful of those damn apostate Web sites, and they even suggested that people just give up on it altogether to avoid that temptation (I didn't feel like doing that--if they couldn't give up the temptation to exploit my celibacy and exacerbate it, then there is no way I am going to reward them by giving up "temptation" to visit those apostate Web sites).

    Colored pens and calculators used in the Kingdumb Hells and A$$embly Hells for children to play with. I can remember one family that was at least halfway decent (perhaps a Raymond Franz wannabe). One of their children was super-intelligent and super-into everything, so I would provide things to give this child a chance to do something during those boring meetings. Wouldn't you know the hounders made a rule against any such distractions! I hope this child is currently an apostate and will soon be helping me ruin the Watchtower Society after that incident.

    Sock and foot warmers and battery mittens. They didn't explicitly ban these, but they did use them in context with people that used them and subsequently got disfellowshipped for unrelated offenses. Perhaps a subtle clue.

    An exercise gadget called the Torso Tiger. I have seen Tae Bo banned for martial arts, but one person wanted to know why I would use the Torso Tiger. They were wondering why I wanted to impress anyone of the opposite sex. (Note that the device itself will not cause one to lose weight without a diet. You do tone the ab muscles with a Torso Tiger, making work involving lifting that much safer). At that, I decided to do the diet to some extent just to give them something to complain about (by cutting back on general eating). I did lose something like 35 pounds doing that; and it did shut them up for a while about it (plus it was beneficial for the while the weight was off). (Unfortuately, like 97% of all people, the weight did come back but it took 5 years for that to happen).

    They didn't tell me not to wear headphones at work, but they did try telling me that I should be listening to Bible (Watchtower) tapes to drown out Christmas music instead of real music. I know that it would not have worked. And besides, I would now rather listen to Christmas music than those pukey Tower tapes.

  • Crumpet

    I think all the gadgets under my bed without question would be condemned!

  • fokyc

    Our 1st Microwave always had to be covered up every Tuesday for the bookstudy,

    it was modern technology and the elders said we shouldn't have one.

    Sister fokycs PO has written to the branch recently telling them I use the internet too much!

    What a bunch of idiots


  • badboy


  • jacethespace

    Yep the internet gets a bad rep for some reason in the tower.I was looked upon for quite a while by some in the cong as being the son of molech or something as soon as i got a computer and the internet.

    Along with stupid probing questions like " who do you speak to on the web cam then eh"

    When i had had enough and decided to get out of the indoctrination i let it slip to one of the elders i know that i was talking to this hot girl on the internet just to piss him off

  • M.J.

    Wish I could post a pic,

    But I predict these babies will eventually be targeted by the WT pharisees.

    Check it out:

    It's the Sony Reader.
    You can store like 80 eBooks on one reader.

    Imagine, you could theoretically read COC at your next DC, and no one could tell!

  • restrangled

    Ok, I'm taking all of you back before the internet, Cd's, etc. Back....way back!

    My father had a reel to reel in the day....high end then to play jazz on,... such as Take 5....lots of complaints and clucking....We weren't suppose to be listening to worldly music!!!!! 8 tracks in a car were disapproved of....can anyone remember those days?

    My Dad's company car every year, bigger noise. One year his new car was hit in the parking lot of the KH by an elders 90 year old father.....they said tough, you shouldn't be so materialistic.....My father was one of the Elders. It had a cassette tape player installed.....Cassette not 8 track....the horror!

    It was a beautiful White Grand Prix with baby blue interior....ahhhh the 70's!!!!!


  • erynw

    I had something no one else in the congro had and everyone was really upset about it. I used it everyday, even in field service. Eventually, it occupied so much of my time, I left.

    It's called a brain. Most JW's don't even know this gadget exists.

  • MadTiger

    I have four letter for you all:


    If the Bethel lurkers can answer righteously, I will go back.

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