OK lets get this straight.
In the UK the dubs started to ask for "donations" on literature for TAX REASONS.
Where JWs used to pay a few pence for each rag, and similarly charge that out to the public, nowadays you have people "estimating" in their heads how much the mags cost and giving a "donation".
I'd be prepared to bet that they get more donations for the literature than they did before.
For instance, where you used to be able to buy a bible for £3, noone in their right minds would put that price on it now. So you'd have a householder giving £5 or more for a bible - if they are remotely decent people.
I once met a blind person on the ministry and asked for the cong to order a Braille book. I got interrogated about it and was told that the cost of the book was too high to just "give out" and that the person had to be 100% interested and 100% willing to give a donation. They don't want blind people being JWs - problems getting them to do your sales for you.
In the local hall, we were told to NEVER EVER tell a householder that the mag was FREE. We were carefully schooled to say "there is no charge, but we accept donations"......ALWAYS always mention a donation. If the householder decided to give what they estimated to be an OK amount, they'd be likely to give 50pence or £1 compared to 30 pence which was the old charge! Therefore MORE profit, NO TAX.