Drew, you can compare any two things for similaries, but like you said that doesn't make them the same. THe similaries between an ape and my toenail... both have atoms and so on.
To me, the problem with the JWs is even worse than that... they will even lie to protect men they don't know. My father, last time he was in my home 1.5 years ago, sat on my couch and said that not going along with the slave would'nt get you disfellowshiped. I said that it had gotten Ray Franz dFd and asked him to please take my copy of COC. He got pissed and left.
THen after I started writing my letters, he started calling my friends and asking them if I was on drugs and whatnot... trying to find fault with me so he can protect a bunch of fools in Brooklyn... Good freaking lord, will they stop at nothing?