by badboy 28 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, my children and I were chased away from a house by of all things.......some wild geese! The house was next to a pond and I guess we got too close to the baby geese so the big ones came charging towards us making loud noises. It seems funny now but at the time my kids (ages 2 and 4) were terrified and crying. They refused to go to any more doors and we had to go home. Lilly
I went to a door and saw two large dogs inside jumping on the front window. Nobody answered, so I went back down the driveway towards the car, when those same two dogs came running around from the back of the house and towards me. Somebody let them out the back door. Don't remember the breed, but they were scary. I'm glad the car was close by.
I know a sister who was bitten by the householder's dog while conducting a Bible study. She was deathly afraid of dogs. The woman kept him in a room,in another part of the house, but that day he got loose, raced through two rooms and bit the sister for no reason.
My cousin had a chunk of his palm EATEN by a dog. That was over 30 years ago, still has scars.
Witnessed (ar ar) my best friend chased onto a car hood by two large loose dogs once; we were 15 years old.
Our parents sure took care of us out in the big, wide world...
Hi lovely: Oh, yeah! GEESE! Two friends and I got chased by geese out in the rural northern California of the early 1970's. I forgot about that! Great watchdogs, geese! Aggressive. There were 4 as I recall...
Once a dog came up to me growling - I screamed at it - Shut up - the dog cowered away - the owner was so shocked he bought magazines
A rooster.
Went up to a door when I was about 16. Summertime and only the screen door was shut. I knocked and the first thing that happened was a dog barking that sounded like a hound from hell. He was a huge,solid black, wolf/shephard mix and he hit the door on a run and stood up to my height. I held the flimsy door shut until a guy came from inside calling, Satan! Satan! Down!. He apologized but my throat was so contricted I could hardly talk. My knees kept wanting to give way as I left.
By the way, Geese can pinch bite like a SOB
I was bitten by a dog on the back of my leg it was awful, I hate dog bites. that was about 15 years ago and I can still see the little beast in my mind, she waited till I was leaving then came out and bit me. Really shook the HH up, well not as much as it did me.
Then on another day my oldest son used his bookbag to fend off a dog and the dog bit a chunk out of his bag. So glad it wasn't my son he took the chunk from. that HH thought it was funny!!
when i was a kid of about 13 me and a local very nerdy older brother, went out pioneering!, and i knocked, my dad had got me some new boots, and i had them on, the hh, came out very worried, and slammed the door open, or tried to it ws locked, and i heard the noise of something running and growling, then a german shepard rounded the corner and jumped up on the porch at me and gober, i kicked him under the jaw, and he did a backflip, the owner screamed, and so did the dog, at me and we left, felt like i was tuff.
big d