And that's been what's so refreshing about the "current girl"... Since we've been friends, we've went to a lot of concerts together, we both love vintage blues and jazz, and really love swing blues. So we went out a lot, and hung out a lot listening to music or going to see local bands, and she pushes my musical side really hard, loves that I'm a musician part time, etc. We also like to have deep conversations about religion, politics, news, opinions on various hot button topics, and just hitting up local vineyards to try out new wine. Then also we love to cook, and try new restaurants, or just go drinking on the weekends. Its been such a light weight relationship thus far, with no expectations, of anything more than just having a great time. We were introduced at a blues club, by some mutual friends, and just really hit it off. So that's the full length story. But I really don't want to push anything and screw it up, that would totally suck, since I've waited so patiently on this to come around.