elvis idolatry

by ninja 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    *** g82 8/8 p. 25 When the Music Ends, How Do We Solve the Problems? ***

    As a result, many young people have come to the conclusion that looking to pop stars as examples after which to pattern their lives is looking in the wrong place. One such is the fourteen-year-old German boy who wrote the Watch Tower Society the following:

    “Until I was twelve music seemed to have little influence upon me. Of course, I heard music on the radio, but that was all. But this changed suddenly when we moved and my grandmother gave my brother and me a phonograph. I wondered what kind of records I should buy. My parents recommended Elvis Presley, and I agreed. I bought one of his albums. Upon hearing it I was enthusiastic. I bought another. But that was not all. I began to collect newspaper articles about him and pictures. Later I bought some of his posters. But this was still only the beginning. I got a haircut like the one Elvis had, and I began to copy his ways. I tried to dress as he did. When I turned fourteen, what did I have? At least fifteen of Elvis’ albums, posters, piles of articles and a bad conscience.”

    Why a “bad conscience”? Because, even though young, this lad came to realize that copying or idolizing imperfect humans is unwise and self-defeating. His view now is far more balanced and he concludes his letter by saying: “Let this be a warning to other young people not to go too far.”

  • AlphaOmega

    Just a couple of results from a Google Images search on "Elvis Worship".

  • ninja

    gulp....I bet it was that young brother who started that site alphy....wait though ...there's more

    As for the twist....its a dance from the pit of hell.....dont be tempted people

    *** w62 7/1 p. 412 How Should Christians View Dancing? ***
    “The elite of the social set and celebrities of show business have discovered a sensuous dance called the Twist, performed to rock ‘n’ roll, and are wallowing in it like converts to a new brand of voodoo

    If one wanted the reputation of the twist as popularized by a New York nightclub, he might read an article similar to one written by Geoffrey Holder, a Trinidad-born dancer, who said:

    “The Twist? I’m sitting this one out. It’s dishonest. . . . It’s synthetic sex turned into a sick spectator sport. . . . Social dancing was never meant to supply vicarious kicks for spectators. When it does, watch it! . . . When Antony Tudor wanted to establish his hero as a sexpot and phallic symbol in ‘Pillar of Fire,’ he came out and did the Twist—for a few seconds, to establish character

  • ninja

    notice this sentence...."Social dancing was never meant to supply vicarious kicks for spectators"...... could we possibly extend that to celebity ballroom dancing?....or even celebrity ballroom dancing

  • AlphaOmega

    Yep, da ninge... I reckon you may be right... I'll check out the domain registration details and inform Bethel pronto

    I'll check out those references in the bound volumes - could be some interesting pictures to accompany them.

  • ferret

    He's been dead for thirty years and still made 49 million dollars in the last year according to Forbes. So idolatry is with all of us, as I have visited Graceland on three occasions with various friends over the past fifteen years.

  • ninja

    hey ferret...you are a self-confessed idolater......gulp....stay back.......I bet you bring a golden calf out at every party you host

  • snowbird
    Geoffrey Holder, a Trinidad-born dancer, who said:

    This is the guy from the 7up commercial. Remember? He was on an island extolling 7up as the UnCola. Most people get his voice confused with the voice of James Earl Jones.


  • AlphaOmega

    Nice work Snowbird - I told you that you had a good memory !

    Geoffrey Holder

    Live and Let Die http://movies.nytimes.com/person/32833/Geoffrey-Holder


  • 4digitcode

    “The elite of the social set and celebrities of show business have discovered a sensuous dance called the Twist, performed to rock ‘n’ roll, and are wallowing in it like converts to a new brand of voodoo

    hahaha that sentence really made me laugh

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