Do you wash your hands after using the restroom?

by John Doe 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    This may be why all the fellahs are rushing out of the rest room without washing their hands.

    lmao!! ;-)

  • Paralipomenon

    Can I hijack the thread to ask how many guys actually use "the flap"?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I don't--that's what elastic is for. ;-)

  • Mincan

    What the hell is "the flap"?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    The flap is a hole that leads to the lady's room. ;-)

  • Paralipomenon

    The flap in the front of men's underwear.

    I've noticed that most boxer briefs don't even have it anymore. Tightie whities still sport them though.

    Personally I'm a "pull down" guy.

  • Gregor

    Do you think Jesus washed His hands after taking a Godly whiz? Do you think He washed His hands before he broke the bread and passed it around to the boys at the Last Supper? What about those apostles? Do you think they just ate the bread without asking "Jesus Christ! Did you wash your hands before you fondled my supper? Geesh, get a bottle of Purel"

  • sweetstuff
    Ok sweetstuff, now think about this. Which direction is the stream going to go if you're "squatting" by a toilet? ;-) Furthermore, why pull your pants down if you don't have to? I think you're trolling. ;-)

    What are you lazy? We ladies pull our pants down everytime and you never hear us moaning about it. Ok, I'll give you the standing in a public urinal part, but at home, what's the fuss? Is it "unmanly" to sit for one and not the other?

  • nvrgnbk
    Do you think Jesus washed His hands after taking a Godly whiz? Do you think He washed His hands before he broke the bread and passed it around to the boys at the Last Supper? What about those apostles? Do you think they just ate the bread without asking "Jesus Christ! Did you wash your hands before you fondled my supper? Geesh, get a bottle of Purel"


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "If you shake it more than twice your playin' Jazz music."

    An old guy I used to work with would always say that. Never quite knew what that was supposed to mean.


    "No matter how you shake and dance,

    The very last drop goes down your pants."

    Open Mind

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