JD asked:
Would it be appropriate of me to come up to the guys after they leave the toilet and remind them that they forgot to wash their hands, preferably in front of their girls?
If you are in the restroom at the time remind them there......and get a sign posted on the exit door. It cannot be just a quick rinse. The hot water must run for 30 seconds with liquid soap being used.
Bar soap just harbors more bacteria and viruses.
Remember every surface they touch, you are at risk.....door handles, phones, keyboards, etc.
If you don't catch them there...yes I would embarass them in front of their girlfriends. They will never forget again.
It is not only fecal bacteria but horrible viruses that are spread.
I have not been sick in 10 years. Just recently my son came home with a horrible cold 3 weeks ago from where he works in the Restaurant business. He was carefull, and I disenfected every surface I could.....I thought we were free.
3 weeks later my husband and myself are sick as dogs! I either missed something, or those visitng here reinfected our home which I suspect the later. We had a mom with her 3 year old who had is hands on everything. 2 days later we are sick as dogs.