My Latest Poem

by Abandoned 70 Replies latest social entertainment

  • XOCO

    Actually, though, I'm simply an idiot. That makes it really easy for me to make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    No ur not Dork!! (J/K) u are really creative don't let my advatar make u feel Blue LOL. u should try to get these poems published just a suggestion


  • Abandoned

    We'll just have to agree to disagree then. I do have inside information though...

    Publishing my poems? That's another area where I am deficient in. I just can't seem to promote my work. I can plan it, write it, edit, and polish it, but I just can't seem to promote it. OH well. I can't have both talent and common sense both right? Afterall, I dedicated my life to a bunch of anal-retentive morons in New York - how smart could I be?

    Thanks for the kind words. I just can't seem to smile right now.

  • XOCO

    Teddy bear hug



  • Abandoned

    Oh sure, something I can't disagree with...

    Thank you though, that did make me smile.

  • XOCO

    pas problem mon amour (no problem my love)


  • Abandoned

    OK, that's two smiles. I'm off to bed though. My head hasn't stopped hurting all night. It isn't a migraine like (that other poster) has, but it is very distracting.

    Thanks again.

  • Abandoned

    What You Mean To Me

    Raspberry topping on Chicago cheesecake
    A relaxing night to just sit and lie awake
    A warm, autumn day to drive with the top down
    A lazy afternoon in a quiet Midwest town

    An extra scoop of ice cream in my ice cream sundae
    A smile from a stranger when I’m having a bad day
    Finding a parking place right next to the front door
    You mean all this to me and so very much more

    Have…I…mentioned to you?
    What…you bring to my day?
    You’re inspirational, simply sensational
    Have I mentioned to you
    How you take my anxieties away?

    Have…I…mentioned to you?
    Have…I allowed you to see?
    How precious you are, most precious by far
    Have I mentioned to you
    Just what you mean to me?

    The rich, leather smell of a brand new briefcase
    The sumptuous, first night in my very own place
    A warm mocha latte, deep in January
    Meeting the girl that I one day will marry

    Taking the ferry when time doesn't matter
    A whole afternoon dedicated to chatter
    Winning first prize in a forgotten contest
    You're these things and more and to this I do attest

    Have…I…spoken from the heart?
    Have…I showed you with deeds?
    How much you inspire; how much I admire
    Have I spoken from the heart
    About what you mean to me?

    Saturday mornings
    The smell of a new car
    Smiling children
    A weekend in Del Mar
    Slurping spaghetti
    Quiet time in the country
    Sweet, French cologne
    My name on the marquee

    Have…I…proved it to you?
    Have…I made you believe?
    You’re friendship is rare, deep respect we share
    Have I proved it to you
    Just what you mean to me?

  • Abandoned


    Any comments? I wrote it about a friend for a contest.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    It's beautiful AB!

    Reminds me of all the good things in life, the lazy afternoons, drives in the country, warm days, smiles, quiet time etc.


  • Abandoned

    I wish I could play guitar so I could sing it for you guys... I have the tune in my head, but I don't know how to get it anywhere else... Durn it....

    Oh, and thank you Bumble Bee, I appreciate your kind words.

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