Another Flawed, Misleading Awake 12/8/01

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    "Watching the World" in the Dec.8,01' Awake carries
    a scare story about pornography. It refers to the
    porn business being 10-14 billion dollars a year.

    For a more truthful assessment, try consulting Forbes.
    com in the article "How Big is Porn?" dated 5/25/01
    1:45pm ET by Dan Ackman. The article attacks so-called
    "studies" of porn revenues and notes that the industry
    is, in fact far smaller than cable, newspapers, or
    broadcast television. This Awake article caught my attention
    because I analyse stocks - and I know how poorly porn
    stocks perform. Playboy's finances are a joke - they
    keep losing money year after year. Smaller stocks like
    New Frontier Media also lose money or have a hard time
    making any profit at all.

    The Forbes article begins with the thought that in the
    pornography industry "size is often exaggerated". How true!


  • Amazing

    Hi Metatron: Intersting post. Also, what is rated as 'porn' by one person is simply another person's style. Some lump in 'R' rated mobies with porn, whereas others only consider 'X' rated as porn. Some even rate advertisements that show skimpy clothing, such as 'Victoria's Secret' as a form of porn, whereas others see it as simply female fashion for that aspect of life.

    So, you mention of poor performing pron stocks also suggests that the overall porn industry may be on decline. People tend to get bored with porn. I have found that those who go after porn often do it because something is lacking in their life, or they feel it is an exciting forbidden fruit, such as when a religion regulates sexual conduct, then porn can become much more attractive.

    The Watch Tower religion almost guarantees they will be dealing with porn issues in their JC sessions, because they go as far as to regulate teenagers holding hands. When my wife and I were first dating, and studying with the JWs, we held hands in spite of some criticism at the Kimgdom Hall. People just do not see how dangerous this religion is. - Amazing

  • Patriot

    Thanks for the post Met.

    Amazing: It's funny, I remember when I was told repeatedly by the elders that I could not "progress" spiritually unless my wife stopped wearing skirts and dresses that ended on or just above her knees. They said that it could make many stumble and can be viewed as "following the worldly trend"

    Unfortunatley, my wife and I had many arguements about it. It took alot of "counsel" for her to give into wearing dresses down to her ankles.

    It's incredible how the Jws let even something so small be dictated to them by the WTBTS.

    You said Dangerous?....I could not agree more.


  • proplog2

    Your criticism is flawed because you don't give enough information.
    I didn't read the Awake but I am sure they didn't originate the assesment of the size of the porn industry.

    Did you think of calling the Watchtower and asking them the source of their information?

    Was the Awake talking about the world-wide porn market. Were they including escort services, strip bars, phone-sex? Blackmarket snuff & child pornography?

  • wannahelp

    "Did you think of calling the Watchtower and asking them the source of their information?"

    It was probably obtained via the UN "library card" and cannot admit it now <ROFL>..

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hey Met,
    You are only seeing one side of the issue. Organized crime is deeply involved in the non-stock companies. There is also a huge privately run cornucopia of tapes and photos, cds and floppies that are often availale over the internet. X-rated bookstores, theaters and strip clubs are the most usual gangland methods of porn income.
    There is also the so-called white slavery operating out of eastern europe that SELL women and girls to interests in the 'wonderful' and 'free' cities like Amsterdam. Those same interests sponser the vilest of child pornography.
    People need to wake up and see that all of this legitimatization of porn has it's price......a very step price.

  • metatron

    Rex, both articles appear to be discussing the size of the
    industry in the US, not the world. The Forbes article exposes
    guesswork and unsubstanciated revenue figures. As for organized
    crime, their widespread involvement is doubtful because the
    Prohibition factor has been largely removed. Since you now
    can see just about anything, the premium prices are gone
    and profits with them. I agree with Patriot that most people
    just get bored with the animal husbandry portrayed.

    An odd note here is the sudden rise of men's magazines that
    feature well-known sexy women - but not fully nude (like
    Maxim, etc.) I think the whole phenomena becomes self-defeating
    (and unsexy) with unlimited nudity.

    I recall seeing a Vegas stage show once that featured
    quite a crowd of topless women and thinking "Wow, I bet they'd
    look great in a bikini!"


  • Cygnus

    Only 10-14 billion a year? That's it? I would have guessed much higher than that.

  • proplog2


    You still haven't addresed the issue here. You head your post -Another Flawed, Misleading Awake. This is pure propaganda not unlike the propaganda you say the Watchtower uses.

    I guess I'll have to read the article now even though I never read the Awake. You said it "appears" that the article is talking about US porno market. Does that mean you could be wrong and that I need to personally verify it by reading the article. Please let me know if it definitely is referring to the US market because I really don't feel like reading it myself.


    Proplog2--How can you so harshly criticize Metatron when you won't even read the Awake article for yourself but instead ask Metatron to provide you with the information? Isn't that rather lazy on your part, to say the least?

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