I experienced Jury Duty today, for the first time. I have never actually been called before, as a Witness or as a former Witness. It was so boring, and so routine. I especially loved the video they showed us, that explained how it was out Civic Duty to be in a jury and made light of the fact that people often try and get out of Jury Duty. They then covered what was acceptable to be excused, and it was made very clear that you can not be excused for religious reasons. Which kind of showed me that such an excuse must come up from time to time. Anyway, they took us to a court room and asked us questions. The case was on DUI and they asked me if I could present a fair verdict. They were shocked when I said, "No." I then explained how a friend of mine died in a Drunk Driving related accident and how it was one of the worse days of my life and I would not be able to cloud those feelings to not see DUI as something I despise. What l loved, was before they excused me, I got to see how unethical lawyers can be. As the final question that got me excused was, "... but if we presented to you, only evidence that shows this man is innocent and nothing that showed guilt. Could you come back with a not guilty verdict?" I answered, "That sounds like a perversion of the justice system, to say you would sway a jury to find a man not guilty by some legal loop hole and I would be suspicious and would probably favor guilt, as I would feel I was being lied too or told half truths." No joke, right after I said that, they excused me.
Oh well, at least I did not try the religious excuse. LOL Anyone else serve in the process since your exit,