Jury Duty

by free2beme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I would not put the lawyer on a pedestal just yet.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Ok, here's your assertions so far:1)lawyers should argue for their oppositions case 2)the news media coverage should have been entered into evidence in the O J Simpson trial 3)people should be convicted of crimes even if the evidence doesn't support it because lawyers are liars and made the case for innocence up.

    Does that about cover it?

  • primitivegenius

    i got picked once in miami.................. was for a dude who was so obviously a homeless person. charge was tresspassing and some sort of damage to a vacant property.

    he was quilty.............. you could tell. thing is.......... who cares, if you have a property thats empty and this man needed a place out of the rain to sleep................ why not. i was curious what they were gonna consider as damage tho.

    my grandfather was a cop.............. dirty one at that. got other fam that spent time in the big house..... both justified and unjustified.

    lawyer asked me.............. since i have people on both sides what do i think about the situation.

    my response was........ well the ones i have are pretty much where they deserve to be. do the crime do the time

    i got excused......................... at the end of the freaking day. why the hell dont they say CUT and kick y ou out then. woulda been damn nice to go home early...... instead i had to wait and catch that HELL traffic

  • mkr32208

    I had to go down and "try out" for a grand jury for murder. The lawyer asked "do you think it's LESS of a crime that the person killed was a drug dealer?"

    I raised my hand and said "If you can prove that the guy who KILLED the dealer was an addict who killed him to get his crack fix (that was the drug in question) then I'm going to push for finding him not guilty even if I KNOW he did it. Conversely if they (prosecution) can prove to me that the guys was a dealer who wanted the other mans crack to SELL I'll push for a guilty verdict even if I don't think he committed the murder!

    I didn't get picked for the jury pool.

  • 5go

    I knew a guy that got out of jury duty by saying he was a racist he hated all whites, crackers, and caucasians.

    FYI he was a white nerdy looking guy.

  • free2beme
    I knew a guy that got out of jury duty by saying he was a racist he hated all whites, crackers, and caucasians.

    That is funny. Although, I would say that might be something the judge would get on you for. What ever it takes to get out, although that $10 per day paycheck is so inviting. Most of the people I met there, were retired and seemed happy to take part.

  • Hortensia

    Last time I was in the jury pool, it was for a bank robbery. The questions went something like this:

    DA: do you know where this bank is located?
    Me: yes, I used to have a business in the same shopping center.
    DA: did you know about this robbery?
    Me: they had a lot of robberies, I don't know if I knew about this one.
    DA: was your business ever robbed or burgled?
    Me: yes, there was a burglary once and I lost about $5000.00
    DA: did the police catch the criminal?
    Me: no, they didn't catch him.
    DA: is that because there was no way to identify who it was?
    Me: well, he stole checks too and cashed one and the store where he cashed it had him put his finger print on the check, so they identified the person who did the burglary, a former employee.
    DA: did they arrest him?
    Me: No.
    DA: They probably couldn't track him down.
    Me: he works as a security guard across the street at Walgreen's. My husband saw him there the other day. And I called the police once and let them know he was in Carl's Jr. having coffee.
    DA: What do you think of the Desert Hot Springs police department?
    Me: Not much.
    DA: Your honor, I move to excuse this juror.

  • WTWizard

    The one pitfall is what I call "ego justice". In this, they find an innocent person guilty just so they can have something to throw the book at. An example of this would be if someone broke into a home and got killed by their own actions while attempting to steal or harm the occupant. The occupant of that home is charged with murder, and because the burglar was someone in a high position in society, the defendant is found guilty where they in fact either acted in self defense or did nothing at all.

    I am willing to accept the sometimes tedious and boring nature of jury duty, as long as this sort of crap is not played on me. I have nothing against putting someone in jail for a good long time that deserves to be there, no matter how high the position that person held (even if it was a FDA agent that was on trial for running the department in a criminal way). I also have nothing against sparing a defendant a jail term that they do not deserve (such as if a homicide was self defense or it was blatantly obvious that the person did not do anything). After all, it is better than sitting at an a$$embly and accomplishing absolutely nothing.

    However, anyone that attempts to coerce me into miscarriage of justice will find an objection. I don't care how specious and frivolous a lawsuit appears. I do not care how powerful the lawyers are on the other side. If McDonald's actually did put a chemical in their "food" that slows the metabolism or makes people addicted to the product and did not disclose it, and they knew that chemical had that effect and put it in on purpose, then I would actually have found them liable for a person who ate the "food" and got fat on it. (However, the hot coffee case would have been laughed out since everyone expects coffee to be hot). If they are going to use me to carry out and run a program, then I have an objection.

    Perhaps it's time to change the laws to make it harder for lawyers and regulators to pull ego justice stunts like this. Also, it ought to make it harder for companies to hide food ingredients in their food that they know will make people fat by slowing their metabolism or addicting the customers to their food and get away with it. Proper justice demands that people be held accountable for their volitionally performed actions.

    As for the pepper spray incident, I do think I could give a fair trial as the actual facts are presented. No ego justice, please!

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