Reasons why I wouldn't get a KM while I was still a dub??

by noni1974 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • noni1974

    I never got my KM.Not when I was a unbaptized publisher ,not after I got baptized.I always wondered why.The rest of my family got theirs but not me.Someone would usually hand me one durring the service meeting but I never got one from my bookstudy conductor.

    Could it be the I rarely went to the book study??Could it be that I never went in service?? I counted a few hours every month but I never met with the group.

    Come to think of it I never was assigned to give talks either.As far as I know I was a member of the school till I DA ed.I never asked to be removed.I may have missed the meetings when I was suppossed to give talks but I was sick.Not that I would have complained about being removed but no one ever talked to me about it.

  • Gill

    Noni - If you were judged 'unworthy' that would probably explain it!

    My husband never received one from when he refused to weed the KH car park! He didn't go out in FS and refused to give talks, prayers etc. He tended to sleep through the meetings as well! I was so ashamed of those I realise how utterly cool he was and is!

    It never bothered him that he had no Kingdom Ministry! I suggest you take the same attitude! It's a badge of coolness!

  • sass_my_frass

    It was a privilege bub. Just like cleaning the toilets.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I guess in some congregations it is the carrot on a stick. If you jump through enough hoops you get the prize. And what could be better than eight more pages of their blathering. Once you are brainwashed and in a cult the most trivial things can take on great significance. As was mentioned by others cleaning toilets, weeding and lets not forget mic boy. All badges of honor.

  • bite me
    bite me

    I think I'm full of questions today, Hopefully I wont overwhelm you all. But what is a dub?

  • primitivegenius

    well i have been to some congs where they didnt have enough kms.......... but that only takes once to fix by increaseing their order........ i belive they get those according to the publishers in the cong...... and they get extras.

    its weird that you would have joined the TMS and not gotten assigned talks.....

    damn i had to do mine and probably had to do yours to lol............... GO TRIBE

  • SnakesInTheTower


    i was an elder for several years...but when i was deleted in dec, i moved to a new was like pulling teeth getting my jan, feb, mar, apr and may KM... once i quit going to the TMS/SM...and told them i wasnt joining the school..and i never went in the formal service (though turned in informal time)..i stopped getting them...after 35 years of being raised and then baptized a JW.

    thats aren;t missing the heck are ya..hows the taxi gig going....

    Snakes ()

  • VoidEater

    Bite: dub = JW (j-DUB-ul-you)

    Noni: It was a wierd "attaboy" - My dad got a one, I don't recall ever getting one (despite being baptized, doing Field Slavery, and giving talks), and my mom never got one either - hmm, I don't recall ANY sister getting one...

  • Finally-Free

    I didn't get one many times if I missed the book study when they were handed out. Usually the elder would give it to me at the next meeting when I asked him for it. Once he said "no" because I should have been at the BS to get it. I said, "Ok, since I can't use it to prepare for service don't expect to see a report from me at the end of the month, because I won't go out unprepared." So I didn't go out in service™ that month, and when the secretary™ phoned me for my report I told him what happened. I never had a problem getting a KM again.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I bet your bookstudy overseer was just senile and didn't know who you are.

    Also, sometimes the P.O. or some family member of one of the elders puts a name on
    every single Kingdom Ministry to hand them out. Perhaps, your name wasn't on the list being
    used, so your bookstudy overseer never got one with your name on it.

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