
by Aleman 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Spirituality is what is often missing in organized religious experiences. It is about your connection with the divine (not a petty god), what connects all living things. I feel it much more in nature than I ever could in some brightly lit building where all I feel is a disconnect. I do believe in a creator, but not something or someone we can really define.

    You need to look inside yourself and closely at the wonders of life, the things that stir your feelings of spirituality. It is much closer than you think.

  • nvrgnbk
  • Robdar

    I personaly consider spirituality as a state of knowing the meaning of life, a connection with oneself and a higher being or creator. The principal teacher of values, ethics, and beliefs in it's pure uncontaminated form. Also as a transcendental demention of life beyond self where awareness and appreciation for a higher being exists.

    But then again, what do I know.

    That and a buck-fifty might buy you a cuppa joe.

  • VoidEater

    Satanus: Yes, same here...and I try to live each mundane day as a way for spirit to manifest...

    nvrgnbk: Since the JW definition of faith is "the assured expectation of things to come", yes, I think my spirituality is devoid of faith - I don't have an assured expectation of anything (with or without evidence). ;-) That's ok, because the essence of spirituality for me is in this moment, not in the future. If you mean faith as "taking for true something without evidence", then it does get gray - because my spiritual motivations are based on subjective experience, not objective external world evidence - but still, it's mine, not what someone told me to believe. Like blueviceroy, though, it's not particularly important for me to make proofs - just live my life in ways that follow my own interpretations of spirituality. That doesn't mean I hide it, and indeed I have had the honor of being asked to mentor some in their own spirituality - a place I can only go by encouraging self-discovery, sharing my opinions, and responding authentically (and always knowing the limitations of my eyesight and hearing).

    "My hearing is not so good - I cannot hear what God is telling you, I can only hear what God is telling me."

    Robdar: I assign more meaning to it than that - it gives my worldview depth, and informs me of how I most want to behave in the world.

  • oompa
    Aleman: How do you explaine all these demonic and spiritual phenominon going on around the world?

    Please do tell! I am dying to see some.....oompa

    Aleman: Why care about spiritual things?

    Very good question. It is for personal benefit. Anyone who asks though or does not understand why, will experience no benefit but on the other hand no penalty either.

  • Robdar
    Robdar: I assign more meaning to it than that - it gives my worldview depth, and informs me of how I most want to behave in the world.

    Void Eater, I wasn't talking to you but since you brought it up, if that is what you need, more power to you.

    Welcome to the board.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks for the links never, nice. James Thomas, Poppers, Tetra, where have they all been? I miss their insightful posts. Checked and saw that poppers has been around some. Miss all you guys!

  • chelsea

    How can someone decide that another person is "freezing cold or dead spiritually"???? How could this be possible???? No one knows another persons thoughts. No one knows where another person finds their greatest joy or tranquility or who they pray to in their greatest desperation.

    To decide this for another person is much the same as the JWs telling us that we need to follow regulations in order to find spirituality. Isn't spirituality subjective???

    I once heard a JW (who was actually a thinker and later got disfellowshipped) say his most spiritual experience was flying over the Grand Canyon. My mother later said to me "that was a strange thing for him to say, why would he find spirituality there?"

    They miss so much.

  • sweetstuff
    They miss so much.

    Ain't that the truth!

  • justhuman

    no spirituality is always there, it is upon us to seek it

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