Do You Think You Are NOW Screwed Up Because You Were A Witness?
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
But then again, who isn't screwed up?
But is it because you were a JW? Or would you have been screwy no matter what?
Everybody is screwed up because of what they have been through up till today. Witnesses and non witnesses. Most just dont know it. Thats the human condition. There is no right or wrong. There is no purpose or reason. So no ones screwed up or everybodys screwed up.
Some have more trouble than others getting through the day. Some need stronger forms of medication.
But is it because you were a JW? Or would you have been screwy no matter what?
Some of it was due to JWism.
Some was because of where, when, and to whom I was born.
I think trying to cope with being a JW helped me to see the comical side of things.
That's a great coping mechanism for all the stuff life throws our way.
..Being a Jehovah`s Witness gave me a Big Brain!..Now I is normal..
As far as friendships goes with "worldly people" that actually like being around me. I'm going to miss out on my brother life as he gets older. But besides all that no I'm pretty sure if I wasn't a witness I would had screwed up somewhere else in life like getting knocked up or something like that.
It made me unhappy. I feel that my religion is a woman who is my friend, soulmate and makes me feel happy and she the same about me. I have never found her yet and she has never found me so it is sad and may never happen. I do not know what else God has put me here for - so that is my religion that I am looking out for!
Being raised as a JW was screwed up, but then I grew up left it all behind and built a life for myself. So no, I'm not screwed up as an adult or since I've left, because of the JW's.
I think for the most part if you get out young, and by "get out" I mean leave it and all the BS behind and that includes people who want to "save you" by punishing you (shunning), if you just get away from it you are better off. I think it's harder on those who for whatever reason can't break the ties and as we all know it's hard to do especially if you have no friends or family out side that will "have your back". And no experience in dealing with the real world because you have been sheltered your entire life is definately gonna hold you back.
So if I'm screwed up now it's because I've allowed it to happen not because of the JW's. I think I turned out pretty damn good in spite of how or rather what religion I was raised in.
Edited: my hubby and kids think I'm a little crazy but I think that's just genetic and of course menopause can make you nutz!
I just sent my parents a very nasty letter last night "thanking" them for raising me in a twisted sick cult. For putting me through a childhood where I felt like a freak and being made fun of, getting beat up alot. I also thanked them for all the split lips, bloody noses and black eyes they gave me and have never apologized for. Nevermind they would be arrested now for doing the same thing.
My mom made the mistake of sending me a whiny assed letter asking why she does not get to see her grandaughter very much. So I explained to her that my daughter is not going to be around violent and twisted people until they show they have changed and realize the damage that it does.
They got both barrels right between the eyes and today I am composing part two of the letter. It felt good to release twenty five years of anger and hurt Directly at the resposible parties. My two JW sisters have allready severed ties with them so they issues go far beyond the cult.