Good Luck
Wish me well on my Greek exam
by truthsearcher 36 Replies latest jw friends
NO!!..My mom used to make me,eat my vegetables!..Now I have to wish you well on a Greek Exam?!..When does the madness stop?!..I`m not going to eat vegetables!..Or..Wish you well on your Greek Exam!.....
Outlaw, eat your vegetables! Don't you know they will make you big and strong? And less carnivorous looking... Thanks everyone else. I am a bit nervous about remembering where to put all the accents and breathing marks. Like any language, there are many exceptions to the patterns, and so I have made up silly little phrases to remember them. I also drew little pictures on my vocabulary flash cards to help me remember the words. Stick figures come in really handy at times. As for the translation exercises, my brain starts to hurt after a while......OUTLAW
Wish you well... perhaps one day you could help some of us comprehend better which manuscripts are superior... received text or the vatican ms on which the diaglott/nwt is based of... I am sure your opinion would not be biased as some of the opinions out there that tend to side with either ms depending on their beliefs...
Tsar robles, the more I study, the more I realize how little I know. That is a really great thing, in my opinion! It also gives me greater respect for the scholars, and greater understanding of the complexities of translation work. One thing I do know, however, is that the NWT is a twisted version.
'already done 4 and one more to come next summer'
Sad emo: Good for you! How are you using your knowledge?Is "my Greek exam" code for anything? Just kidding! Very cool and good luck! Matt
Yes, it is code for "I thought this would be a fun thing to do...what on earth was I thinking?????" But seriously, it is sharpening my thinking skills, and so that is a good result. -
Good luck! Very cool.
If you can teach me to Swear at Vegetables in Greek..That would be worth learning Greek for!..
.......Good luck on your exam!..
Tukhè agathè!
Sad emo
Sad emo: Good for you! How are you using your knowledge?
To be honest, I haven't had much chance to apply it in any great depth yet! It has given me far better insight into the NT though - for example, I know that even some of the well-respected Bible translations aren't squeaky clean! It gives me a fresh outlook on what's been written and I'm able to share it with others occasionally. After I graduate next year I'll have more time and I hope to sit down and really delve into it.
My biggest struggle as far as studying goes has been the grammar - I didn't even know English grammar beyond the absolute basics when I started so it was essentially a course in both! My modules are part of a theology degree and I could have studied Hebrew too - but after a year of Greek grammar, I decided against that! Maybe I'll do that another time though...
Tukhe legw soi !
Good luck. (kali sou tichi) If you need help in anything send me a message, and I will be happy to help you
Kali nikta
Everyone knows what works best for themselves as to retaining what they've learned, so don't mess with a strategy that works. But in case you have nothing really worked out, I've found that breaking things up into 45-50 minute study sessions with 10-15 minutes break in between each session is effective.
Just get a good night's rest and I'm sure you'll do great. I wish you the best and admire anyone who goes back to school.
What is your primary text? There are so many good books now.
When I took Greek in the early '90s, this was my textbook (in privately-printed form, it was not published yet):
It was fun because the book centered on the writings of Palaephatus, which was pretty hilarious to read. There was a volume II we had for the second year (which focused on the Gospel of Mark), but I don't know if it has been published. Maybe it's published together with the 1997 edition.