Fight or Flight - How Do You Know?

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    On principle [or obstinancy], we are determined to stand our ground and fight for what we believe in. On other occasions, we conclude that ours is a lost cause and that we need to take our leave of certain people and issues.

    There's rarely a simple, cut-and-dry approach, but I am interested in how you've dealt with the opposites of flght and flight in your struggles.

    Is it possible that past examples of your own or others could help you make better choices in the future?



  • nvrgnbk

    Great question, CoCo.

    I think it's mostly instinct, but yes, we have to "pick our battles".

    Timing is critical.

    Sometimes we do better to leave the fight for another day, in the interest of winning the heart and not just the debate.

    Peace to you, friend.

  • BrentR

    I would also very much agree with nvrgnbk that it's timing. My sister is showing signs of doubt now so I am very slowly dropping little tidbits of info to her. A year ago I would have never even thought about it.

    That is what worked for me. But it was mostly seeing others that had left and that they were happy and productive. My dad was the first one. When you are living in the same house it's hard to miss it. He never once said anything to me negative about the JW's. His hapiness said it all.


    I live in the Wilderness..This is easy......Will your decision Benefit you?..Or..Will it cause you Harm or Kill you?.....Life and death here,is an every day occurrence..Whether you live or die,depends on the decision you make...OUTLAW

  • proplog2

    You fight to protect your food and offspring. You take flight to protect your body - avoid becoming something else's food. You explore to become familiar with your territory. You relax (do nothing) so you can build up energy or the next thing.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Nvr, Brent, OUTLAW and proplog:

    Timing, tidbits of information, protection of offspring, the law of survival/predator or prey; that's a lot of basics that are actually at the core of the question's answer. My narrow horizons are broadening as we speak. Others have noted a happiness in me that was not present as a practicing JW. Should I tell them that the truth has set me free?

    Thank you for the input,


  • JeffT

    The problem with "fight or flight" in the real world (and the analogy may still work) is that it isn't really a choice. Faced with a tough situation your body gets you ready to do one or the other on autopilot. A bunch of Adrenaline gets released which heightens awarness, gets your heart rate up, puts more blood into your muscles etc. So now you're ready to either run off or fight somebody, neither of which may be the correct response to the situation. But years ago the Sabre tooth tigers ate all the people that had a slow autopilot and now we're stuck with it.

    The real trick is to train your brain to tell your body to settle down until its really needed. As I was writing this it occured to me that the GB reacts to everything with fight or flight mode instead of thinking about it.

  • Borgia

    About fight or flight:

    Maybe you need to also look at the assets and the gainings:

    What exacly is to be won? What rescources do you need to win the fight? Will you enbark on a full blown conventional war, will you use guerrilla tactics or will you be using special forces only? How much will be left after the fight/ flight? Or take the flight? To where do you retreat? It can be a powerful ally in exhausting the opponent.

    Pride is good for parades not for trenches.It makes you do stupid things. Pride is a powerful blinder!



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Morning, JeffT and Borgia:

    I like these observations re:

    The Governing Body: they react to everything in fight or flight mode without thinking about it ...

    Pride: it's good for parades but not in trenches, makes you do stupid things and is a powerful blinder.

    I could go on at length how 'fight/flight/not thinking,' when coupled with a pride masquerading as my personal, righteous cause, has created undue conflict for myself and others. Little did I grasp that the quest upon which I had embarked was one of establishing my own righteousness rather than that of God.

    Maybe I will "go on at length" another time, but not now. I needed to acknowledge how you guys have come up with such gems - simple, to the point and worthy of much serious rumination.

    Many thanks to all posters,


  • sf

    Pride: it's good for parades but not in trenches, makes you do stupid things and is a powerful blinder.

    I could go on at length how 'fight/flight/not thinking,' when coupled with a pride masquerading as my personal, righteous cause, has created undue conflict for myself and others. Little did I grasp that the quest upon which I had embarked was one of establishing my own righteousness rather than that of God.

    Little did I as well coco.

    At first, It {TheQuest} was beyond my control. The pain was absolutely excruciating to live with, yet somehow I got through those times.

    I then felt a great since of obligation and duty to shout out all that I was learning {FROM SITES LIKE THIS AND H20}, to the world, and thensome.

    I'll admit, upon all that I was discovering, uncovering and studying, rage started to consume me. Elements of revenge crept in and I acted on them. I will not state what these were. Suffice it to say, for me, these elements are not a way to succeed in my 'work' today.

    Gods Righteousness rather than my own? That's a tough concept. I could go on at length trying to explain how ridiculous it really sounds though. Perhaps I may still.

    Fight or flight? PAY ATTENTION TED JARACZ:

    For me, both. Simple.

    It is what I am willing to let go of that will instill how effective the fight WILL continue to Be.

    Coco, I love any of your posts. You are profound and precise in your observations of how deadly insane this organization absolutely is. Same with carla.

    Try both coco. See what happens.

    Sincerely, sKally

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