Fight or Flight - How Do You Know?

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, sKally, for your much-appreciated observations.

    Though I was "borrowing" from Scripture in referencing the superiority of God's righteousness over my own, I nevertheless believe that I infer correctly from your statement about how ridiculous it might sound. What has benefited me above all else on this forum is how I have become open to new thought and closed to irrational fear, e.g., the smiting of CoCo by an intolerant god using the Society as his executioner.

    The length to which I thought to go was - BRIEFLY - that I went back to my old Hall after the "break-up" of my domestic situation (ever the one for euphemism) to receive support from friends and family and to demonstrate that I was a good JW. Though I was loved and helped by the former, certain elders boycotted me and made the latter a real challenge. But I met them head on with the old fiery coal trick. The end result, which I've commented on before, is that I fought their maltreatment with Jesus' words of "feeding your enemy," et cetera.

    While I ended up fleeing the KH scene forever - hating to leave my precious children behind - I did fight the meanness of certain [not all] elders with love and patience; believe me, that came more as a last resort than as an ititial response.

    As usual, Dear sKally, you've given me much to ponder ...

    Make you and yours have peace as you carry on in battle.



  • changeling

    Timing, circumstances, experience, what is to be gained or lost, state of mind, gut feelings... all come into play.

    Personality as well. Some people are naturally cobative, others tend to hide their heads in the sand. Still others fall somewhere in between.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi, and thanks, Changeling:

    I latched onto your points of personality and gut feelings.

    I've generally been one, by virtue of personality [remember that test we took?], to go by feelings and/or what I discerned to be the leading of the spirit [however you might interpret that]. The information and practical guidance afforded us on JWD have been very helpful to many of us, I'm certain. It's not always perfect - how can it be? - yet it's not the flip-flopping jumble that characterizes the so-called food at the proper time that created so much spiritual indigestion for us.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The flight or fight response is initially a biological response to danger.

    When talking about the flight or fight response few people realize there is a third response - play dead.

    In a situation of danger animals (and we are animals) needs to assess the danger and make a choice not only between the two opposites but also the third "play dead" response. If the animal concludes that either flight or fight are not valid responses and will not provide safety, the third option becomes the only "right" action.

    If we take a look at children who are being abused we know they quickly realize that they are not strong enough to fight off their attacker and they aren't fast enough to outrun them. The only reponse that is left to them is to play dead.

    Something I have seen is that the WTS capitalizes on these 3 responses. They find ways to negate the flight ot fight response leaving JWs with the only response left - to play dead.

    The WTS says they are God-sanctioned. They are the only mouthpiece of God. Doubting them, questioning them is the same as doubting or questioning God himself. And the old standby "Where else is there to go?" That takes care of the fight response.

    The flight response is negated with the use of fear of losing one's family, friends and even God.

    So what is a Witness to do? Bury their heads in the sand? Play possum? Live in a world that denies the truth that is right in front of them?

    As a child of a very abusive family, I learned very young that flight or fight were not options for me. My response to just about every danger was to play dead. Becoming a JW just reinforced it.

    I had to teach myself that some situations required a flight or fight response.

    Leaving the JWs was most definitely a flight response. Despite all the losses it would bring, I knew if I didn't get out, I would die by my own hand.

    Speaking out about abuse in its many forms has been my fight reponse.

    I refuse to play dead while others pull the strings on my life

  • ninja

    the last time a pilot annoyed me it was a fight and flight scenario.....I fought him then stole his plane......flight ninjaneer ninja

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Lady Lee:

    The "playing dead" response is so apropos, yet I believe that my comparable solution was "playing sick." I probably told you before that I had been ill for several years but the physical malady insinuated itself into my entire life and was an ironical "godsend" for getting away from the KH.

    In essence, I imagine that I actually was "playing dead" to the high demand JW lifestyle. And that oft-quoted "where would we go away to?" absolutely precludes an otherwise desperate JW from taking flight. Too, the loss of family, friends and income, where applicable, is an often insurmountable barrier. It's a series of trade-offs.

    But so well to conclude that we are not about to play dead when the hit-you-over-the-head TRUTH is ours to spread.

    With gratitude,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Captain Ninjaneer:

    For services you have rendered, above and beyond the call of duty and serious, good taste, I would have you refer once again to the "Alien Craft Sighted Over Bethel" thread and sign on for duty. The crop duster pilot - Randy Quaid - has just volunteered his services; I sense that you might be a strong and persuasive influence to his betterment. Besides, someone of your calibre can surely whip ET's derriere.

    Report for duty posthaste, if not sooner.

    Rear Admiral Compound-Complex

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    The "playing dead" response is so apropos, yet I believe that my comparable solution was "playing sick."

    I totally agree. Before I left I was getting sicker and sicker. My body was sceaming out for the escape my mind was not willing to acknowledge.

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