Thank you, sKally, for your much-appreciated observations.
Though I was "borrowing" from Scripture in referencing the superiority of God's righteousness over my own, I nevertheless believe that I infer correctly from your statement about how ridiculous it might sound. What has benefited me above all else on this forum is how I have become open to new thought and closed to irrational fear, e.g., the smiting of CoCo by an intolerant god using the Society as his executioner.
The length to which I thought to go was - BRIEFLY - that I went back to my old Hall after the "break-up" of my domestic situation (ever the one for euphemism) to receive support from friends and family and to demonstrate that I was a good JW. Though I was loved and helped by the former, certain elders boycotted me and made the latter a real challenge. But I met them head on with the old fiery coal trick. The end result, which I've commented on before, is that I fought their maltreatment with Jesus' words of "feeding your enemy," et cetera.
While I ended up fleeing the KH scene forever - hating to leave my precious children behind - I did fight the meanness of certain [not all] elders with love and patience; believe me, that came more as a last resort than as an ititial response.
As usual, Dear sKally, you've given me much to ponder ...
Make you and yours have peace as you carry on in battle.