Yes, because the world is SO much better these past two thousand years since he died and thereby paid the price we all owed God.
Dear James Free (may you have peace), you actually are right on the first position; unfortunately, you are in error with regard to the second:
1. The world IS much "better" these past two thousand years. MUCH. The gains in science and medicine alone attest to that. We no longer believe the earth is flat or the center of the universe; great strides have been on behalf of women’s rights, childrens’ rights, right of the disenfranchised, and the disabled, etc., etc., etc.
2. Nobody owed GOD… anything (except those who openly agreed to be a covenant with Him). If you were taught otherwise, you were misled. Death… is the one requiring a ransom. GOD… is the One who provided it. Adam… is the one who sold us off TO Death… and Christ is the One who willingly gave his life to BE that ransom.
You are misplacing your blame, unfortunately. Perhaps you’re bemoaning today’s world because of the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? May I ask you, are they truly worse than any of those before them? I grew up during Vietnam and these two, together, don't even come close. Heinous though they are, they are not, so far, any worse than any of those those before them (okay, I'll give you Grenada, the Falklands, Desert Storm, and skirmishes like them).
Maybe it's "global warming"? Not that I mean in ANY way to discredit this occurrence, but the true manifestation is not even upon us, yet. WE... have time to correct this issue; however, those who lived during the previous ice age did not. If by some manner, we manage to forestall the effects of global warming (and, again, there is still time), then can we truly say things are worse?
Is it world hunger that is bothering you? Indeed, it should; however, the world in general is not hungrier than it was 2,000 years ago.
The depravity of earthling man? Mankind’s depravity is no worse than it was 2,000 years ago. In fact, Rome fell due, in great part, to the decadence and depravity going on in her at the time.
The truth? The world is actually getting “better.” Truly. AND… it will continue to do so… at least with regard to the things “of this world.” But, then, of course it will because such was prophesied: it is NOT when the world is on the lookout and concerned and wide “awake” that things take their turn: it is when folks... (including some of the chosen ones!) are “asleep"! And why asleep? Because they have been lulled by a sense of peace… and security.
If Christ is reading this - maybe you need to ask God for a refund
Again, this assumes that something was “paid”… to God. It was not. It was paid to our “last” enemy… Death… who is to be done away with. And God HAS required a "refund"... on behalf of ALL of us... the price of which He paid for... with His own Son... the One whose sacrifice many, including you, ridicule.
Whenever when we are faced with a crisis many turn to religion and pray and say God help us.
Many turn to [a] god… yes. It's almost human nature to do so. Those who turn to the TRUE God, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH… of Armies, however, most often do not, at least, not in the manner you infer here. Why? Because THEY know that HE already knows what they are needing (whether from food, shelter, and clothing... to strength, endurance, resolve... whatever… ) even before they ask it. And so He gives such things... WITHOUT their needing to ask.
What DO they ask him for?
1. For HIS name to be cleansed from ALL of the malicious and ignorant reproach that has been heaped upon it, while the one RESPONSIBLE for what is occurring in the earth ("Woe, to you... for the Devil has come down to you...")... gets narry a nod.
2. For HIS will to be done… in the physical realm… as is it now done in the spirit realm. This includes His will being done in our individual lives. And what is that will? That ALL learn to manifest the fruit of HIS spirit… and not our own… and not that of this world… which fruit is love, joy, peace, faith, kindness, mildness, goodness, long-suffering… and self control. That through His Son, He grant us a bit of His holy spirit, to HELP us be successful. And that when we still can't, that He allow the value of Christ's blood be used in our behalf... to ATONE for our shortcomings... and cover them over.
3. That He provide for us what we need… FOR THE DAY… both spiritually and physically, so that, rather than being like unfaithful Israeliets who gathered manna on the 7th day, WE... know that we WILL be provided for EACH day... and so have no need to take more than we should.
4. That He forgive US… when WE trespass… just as WE… forgive those who trespass against US (which is probably the hardest of these to do, at least, for me these days. I am working on it, though, and hopefully make progress, soon)…
5. And that He NOT… “deliver” us to the Wicked One.
This last one has great importance because it is the very GIST of why things are occurring in this world as they are: contrary to the false teaching that God’s sovereignty is “at issue” (as if such a thing could ever be)…. AT ISSUE… is OUR… integrity. Yours… mine… everyone’s. The Most Holy One of Israel is NOT so unrighteous as to put YOU to the “test” – no, it is our Adversary, Satan, who is “testing” you… me… and all of mankind. HE said:
“Skin… in behalf of skin… and ALL a man has… he WILL give… on behalf of his flesh.”
What does that mean? It means… that given enough pressure… EVERY man, woman and child of us WILL turn our backs on God… CURSE Him even… if it will save our own physical lives. Not might, not sorta kinda will… but WILL. And every day, hordes of people prove him right. Some, however, understand that the STAKES involved… is NOT our physical lives… but our SPIRIT lives. Not the “terrestrial,” but the “celestial.” Not the physical body… which dies… but the SPIRIT body… which has the potential to live… FOREVER.
How or why did he let it happen in the first place.
And when they believe they received no answer, they become even angrier. But they WERE answered; indeed, they were told BEFOREHAND how and why “it” happened: we have ENEMIES… in “spirit places!” We SO want to continue in our arrogance, our disbelieve, that while we have NO problem believing that there MIGHT be some other “life form” out there in the universe, that such a life form exists alongside us is just… well, incomprehensible (except in the movies). Why? Because we cannot realize it with our empirical senses: we cannot taste, touch, smell, see or hear it (them).
But THAT is because… THEY… are NOT… flesh… with its blood. THEY… are SPIRITS… and in order to touch, smell, see or hear them… WE… must do so with OUR spirit! We cannot DO it with our flesh… because OUR flesh… is restricted from that realm. Our SPIRITS, however, are NOT… IF we go through The Door!”
It REALLY is THAT simple. Truly. It is. That… simple.
I am repeatedly amazed at how difficult it is for some to grasp this very simple… elementary… truth. And then, again, I am not… because the truth ALSO is… that most, although SAYING they want to know… don’t… really. Not really.
I bid you all peace.
A slave of Christ,