Learning to Think in Shades of Gray and other Colors Too

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    It seems to be hard when getting out of the witnesses for many to realize that nobody really knows about many things in life. Good and evil, what happens when we die. Those leaving the witnesses may see it as a big loss in not knowing, and some more than others go through a whole grieving loss process with denial, bargaining, anger, etc. It's very difficult to lose security of belief, and all these religions and philosophies are the denial/ bargaining part. Most of the population lives in that place or point of view.

    But everything is not black and white in life. Some things are, but many things are shades of gray , or some things are in color. There is no way to count up all the possibilities in this world. That's why people feel the need to live by maxims- to make it easier. Without set beliefs , it takes a lot of work in the way of thinking things through , watching changes, and being open-minded every time something comes up to deal with. The witnesses and other religions keep people stagnated in a rut, where people can't see the possibilities.

    My wife and my "beliefs " are very simple. Do the right thing because it's good for others and it makes you happy in the long run. And the right thing is what you come up with thinking through each situation that arises . Except for when you can't find an answer, but that is part of life and the journey also. Give it time and the answer will come. Everything passes and changes. So try to be open to things and go with the flow of life, not society. Just some cool thoughts from Mrs. Flipper when she gets coffee in her, and I contributed a wee bit. So what are your thoughts my friends on this open minded thinking as opposed to everything is black and white ? Look forward to hearing from you, Peace out, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • avidbiblereader

    Very very well said

    My wife and my "beliefs " are very simple. Do the right thing because it's good for others and it makes you happy in the long run. And the right thing is what you come up with thinking through each situation that arises . Except for when you can't find an answer, but that is part of life and the journey also. Give it time and the answer will come. Everything passes and changes. So try to be open to things and go with the flow of life, not society. Just some cool thoughts from Mrs. Flipper when she gets coffee in her, and I contributed a wee bit. So what are your thoughts my friends on this open minded thinking as opposed to everything is black and white ?

    Or the Society,


  • 5go

    Play Grandia 2 it will help. Get a Sega Dreamcast though that was the best version you can get one for $20 on ebay.

    millenia.jpg image by greyfox78659ryudo.jpg image by greyfox78659elena.jpg image by greyfox78659

  • Abandoned

    Interesting, I was just thinking about something like this. The meanest thing that the Watchtower has done to me, in my opinion, is teach me that some people are worthless. The natural result of this belief is the fear that I may be worthless. Every sin. Every mistake. Every time I'd felt that I'd let God down was one more reason to wonder if I was just killing time until destruction at armageddon. Plus, it isn't just an attack on one's self-esteem but permission to judge other people because whether you are trying to judge them or trying hard not to, the belief that some of them are worthless (and most of them worthless according to the witness teaching that the destruction at armageddon will be monstrous) means that it's always going to be in the back of the mind that this could be one of the. When you're preaching. When someone pulls in front of you on the highway. When you see someone make a major mistake and end up in jail. Teaching your followers that God is going to destroy people is dangerous, petty, and destructive.

    It's dangerous because of the negative emotions it engenders. It's petty because of how it's used as a form of revenge against people that someone religious considers their enemy. It's destructive because it sets fear as our motivation rather than love and understanding.

  • flipper

    AVIDBIBLEREADER- Yes, we feel that being open minded to possibilities is more preferential !

    5GO- O.K. I've never played Sega, but I'll consider that option ! Thanks !

    ABANDONED- Yes, the watchtower dwells so much on how we've inherited sin and bashes humankind so much, it's amazing any Jehovah's Witness gets out of bed in the morning to face the world ! Better to look at positive possibilities ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • 5go
    5GO- O.K. I've never played Sega, but I'll consider that option ! Thanks !

    A warning it starts out with a strong black and white tone; and the religion in the game parodies the catholic faith almost to a tee. It even has a pope! The game it treats it with respect though. So it isn't to bad though the pope and god for that matter doesn't fare well in the game.

  • changeling

    I share your philosophy of life flipper people.

    Do no harm. Try to help where you can. Live an let live where possible.Look for the positive side of all situations.


  • flipper

    5GO- About the only video games I ever knew was what I played with my son when he was a kidin the late 80's. Mario brothers ! I know old.

    Changeling- Sounds like you are a person who lives and let lives too! Life is certainly a variety pack of things that happens to us. I think it helps our mental health by taking it all in stride. And roll with the punches so to speak. Easier said than done, but it helps us get through. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • 5go
    5GO- About the only video games I ever knew was what I played with my son when he was a kidin the late 80's. Mario brothers ! I know old.

    Sad there are some game out that I really think really deserve Oscars. FFVII(though I never have bothered to play FFVII), Grandia II, and Xenosaga episodes 1,2, and 3 being in the top 5 of my list.

  • flipper

    5GO- Really cool stuff man ! But I don't know what the hell you are talking about ! I'm really glad you enjoy these games though ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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