I don't want to go. I want to make plans for the year's vacations.
I just would hate to make plans, spend money, then the wife says she
needs to cancel something because of the Memorial. We could be
out of town, but not isolated from the JW's.
by OnTheWayOut 23 Replies latest jw friends
I don't want to go. I want to make plans for the year's vacations.
I just would hate to make plans, spend money, then the wife says she
needs to cancel something because of the Memorial. We could be
out of town, but not isolated from the JW's.
I cannot tell you the exact date, but it's usually within a day of the Jewish Passover, which in 2008 falls after the sunset of April 19. So if you block out a day before or a day after, you'll be safe.
Hopefully somebody here has a Kingdom Ministry "announcements" section that can tell you the precise date.
Even thinking April will narrow it down nicely. That should keep all of March clear. Thanks.
March 22 , 2008
Thanks eby. I guess the JW's and the Orthodox Jews are way out of sync on this one.
I always thought the Memorial was on the first full moon after the spring equinox. As to when the real passover is, why do I trust the Jews more than the JW's?
Is it the first full moon in spring?
In 2008 -- the spring equinox occurs on March 20 at 05:48 Universal Time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_equinox
The first full moon after that occurs on March 21, 2008.
http://www.moon-phases.net/calendar/index.php?month=3&year=2008 (and then click on the year 2008 near the bottom of the screen).
For some reason the memorial is on the 22nd of March and not the 21st.
The date is different because the JW's think that the Jews don't know the correct date of their own holiday. Check Reasoning from the Scriptures. It basically says that the Jews don't celebrate Passover on the right day. I had this argument with hubby last year. I even did a bunch of research on Nissan 14. They don't get the whole idea that the holiday starts at sundown on the prior "day".
OTWO...I had to laugh because when I first read the title of your thread, I thought it said "I need A date for the 2008 memorial" and I thought to myself that you'd have a hard time finding someone here...