If you STILL believe in GOD, what do you believe is the RIGHT way?

by Bourne 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bourne

    I should preface this by saying that this is generally directed towards the premise of STILL believing in the christian god, the bible as the inspired word of god, and the desire to worship him in spite of the disillusionment of the JW "take" on "true" christianity.

    I am left with many unanswered questions, but don't get me wrong, I don't have "having all answers" listed as a prerequisite to worship god, because even the bible doesnt list all answers, ......faith is expected in at least some areas. SO........that said......

    Please grace little ol' me with your sincere answers to the following questions:

    SUCH AS:

    1. Is this the last days?

    2. If so, was a preaching work to be done? If so, in what format?

    3. If you conclude that "organized" religion is not needed or sanctioned by god, what do you believe was to be the desired method of worship?

    4. Given the fact of the Tetregrammaton's obvious existence, do you believe that the usage (regardless of the uncertainty of pronounciation) of god's personal name is desired of god? And, please, try to rule out a "no" JUST because of the fact that the JW religion generally started the revival of this usage.

    5. Did god and jesus basically expect us to congregate in "loosely" knit congregations ( as described in the book of Rev.) for support and fellowship only, as we await the end?

    6. If this is the case, then.....generally speaking, does this not mean that "all (christian) roads lead to the same place"......that old saying, which the JW's like to poo-poo, so as to endorse the concept of one true religion?

    I have read CoC and IsoCF by Raymond Franz and understand that he generally does NOT belong to any organized religion. But, I obviously don't want to "follow" yet another man's interpretation of god's word. Thus the humble request for your sincere opinions.

    I have other questions but these are the biggies.

    I really welcome any and all input.


  • momzcrazy


    I am newly freed from the borg, after a lifetime of it. I haven't figured it all out yet, and have the same questions you do. So I'm going to be following this closely to see what others say.

    All I have figured out is this. I am going to do my best to make God proud. I always have been and will continue to be generous, kind, spiritual, and a generally good person. I keep my word, I work hard and I try everyday to be a good Mom and wife. I do believe the Bible is God's Word but I have learned we have been lied to in so many ways. So I have to figure out from prayer and the Bible what is truth. I know there is more to it than just being a "good person" but I also know that salvation is a gift, no strings.

    I am reading the Gospel of John and have figured out that so much less is required than the Society says, and yet so much more. More than empty words, empty rules and false smiles. I think it is a more spiritual than physical.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents. You'll figure out your own 2 cents in time.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    1. Is this the last days?

    Firstly, "No man knows the day nor the hour". However, if you follow world events, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say we are. The collapse of "education", morals, politics, religion, the economy, the ecology, etc, would seem to indicate things are getting ripe.

    2. If so, was a preaching work to be done? If so, in what format?

    Preaching is accomplished best by example, as in "I’d rather see a sermon than hear one anyday". Those who live their lives displaying the fruits of the spirit are preaching Christ in the most effective way. Doing so causes others to notice, and ask questions which gives the one displaying the fruits an opportunity to point those seeking answers to God, His Son, and His word, the Bible.

    3. If you conclude that "organized" religion is not needed or sanctioned by god, what do you believe was to be the desired method of worship?

    Worship Him with Spirit and Truth- It’s how you live your life, as stated above. We learn the proper way to live, what to do, what to avoid, by reading His word the Bible.

    4. Given the fact of the Tetragrammaton's obvious existence, do you believe that the usage (regardless of the uncertainty of pronunciation) of god's personal name is desired of god? And, please, try to rule out a "no" JUST because of the fact that the JW religion generally started the revival of this usage.

    No, I do not believe God cares if you use His "name", as it is it’s meaning that is important, and His station, as Almighty God. No one knows for sure the correct pronunciation, if were important, we’d know.

    5. Did god and Jesus basically expect us to congregate in "loosely" knit congregations ( as described in the book of Rev.) for support and fellowship only, as we await the end?

    I believe so- all those who truly endeavor to practice the fruits of the Spirit and follow His commands are His Church. Only by putting Faith in Him, not human organizations/religions, can one truly be a "Christian". See Philippians chapter 1 for details.

    6. If this is the case, then.....generally speaking, does this not mean that "all (christian) roads lead to the same place"......that old saying, which the JW's like to poo-poo, so as to endorse the concept of one true religion?

    Again, I’d say read Philippians chapter 1. Organized religion exists to teach the basics, after that, it’s time to move on to Spiritual "meat", by putting Faith in God and Christ’s Ransom Sacrifice, praying to Him in Faith for His Holy Spirit, and reading His Word daily, meditating on it, learning from it, using it for teaching, reproving, etc, especially as regards your own steps.

    BA- That’s the way I see it.

  • momzcrazy

    Sorry, I forgot

  • JeffT
    1. Is this the last days?

    Who knows? And what difference does it make? I live my life the best way I can, the time remaining is irrelevant. Would you change what you do if you found out it was far off? Tomorrow? I'd like to ask a JW these questions and see what I get.

    2. If so, was a preaching work to be done? If so, in what format?

    Jesus told us to make disciples. He didn't specify a format. Most early Christians seemed to talk about what they believed when they had a chance to do so, i.e. family, friends, co-workers etc. They did not sell magazines or turn in time slips.

    3. If you conclude that "organized" religion is not needed or sanctioned by god, what do you believe was to be the desired method of worship?

    Jesus said that wherever two or more gathered in His name He would be with them.

    4. Given the fact of the Tetregrammaton's obvious existence, do you believe that the usage (regardless of the uncertainty of pronounciation) of god's personal name is desired of god? And, please, try to rule out a "no" JUST because of the fact that the JW religion generally started the revival of this usage.

    There are numerous variations on "God's name" in the Bible. For example "Jehovah-jirah" means "I will provide" I'm at work and don't have my references here, but there are many more. I don't think its required, nor do I think it is forbidden.

    5. Did god and jesus basically expect us to congregate in "loosely" knit congregations ( as described in the book of Rev.) for support and fellowship only, as we await the end?

    He told us to get together with fellow believers for mutual support, companionship and education. We should do that in whatever way suits us (see #3 above). As stated above I don't think "awaiting the end" has any real meaning.

    6. If this is the case, then.....generally speaking, does this not mean that "all (christian) roads lead to the same place"......that old saying, which the JW's like to poo-poo, so as to endorse the concept of one true religion?

    What one does with the life God has given us is far more important than adherence to some list of belefs. Call it your personal walk with God. Besides most Christian churches believe much the same things. The differences between Churches is much less than JW's would have you believe. Mostly it comes down to administrative methods and worship styles.

  • V

    I am intrigued by your topic because "it begs the question". Begging the Question is a fallacy in which the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true.

    It is apparent you are questioning the building blocks of JW doctrine. But please consider that you are still thinking inside the box.

    It is possible that no "organisation" is required by God. For example, belief could be a completely personal experience.

    How could a preaching work be organised unless it was based on "yet another man's interpretation of god's word"? You have the Bible, is that not enough? Except that you are assuming that the Bible is all you need...

    I disagree with your statement that "the JW religion generally started the revival of this usage" of the Tetregrammaton. Using "Yahweh" and "Jehovah" in worship was quite common before JWs. You forget that most other Christain religions believe in the Trinity, so it more natural to address Jesus when worshipping.

    Just trying to unlock some of your preconceptions here.

    Dare to dismantle everything you believe in, including the Bible, Jehovah, and the concept of organised religion. If any of those factors stand the deconstruction then ask these questions. My guess is that you will have the answers by then...

  • nvrgnbk

    Dare to dismantle everything you believe in, including the Bible, Jehovah, and the concept of organised religion. If any of those factors stand the deconstruction then ask these questions. My guess is that you will have the answers by then...

    It's easier to start from scratch.

    Forget all the books you ever read (I know, narkissos will be all over that suggestion, lol) and see what's left.

    Do you perceive God?

    What does He want from you?

    Does it make sense that He would need a book to explain Himself?

    What is it that all of us share, regardless of learned dogmas?

    Strip it all away, and see what's left.

    Success to you in your journey.

  • jwfacts

    Hi Bourne.

    These questions are each discussed at www.jwfacts.com, including Preaching, use of the Word Jehovah, the Last Days, the need for an Organization and the existence of a single truth. Hope the answers help.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace! You ask:

    "... what... the RIGHT way?"

    I could take all of your questions and address them one by one, and perhaps I shall at some later time; however, for now, I won't. For NOW... I have been directed by the spirit of my Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... to say to you that the RIGHT way... is not a "what" at all, but a "whom."

    I am directed to ask you to start your search by reading, please, the verses below, in the order I have been granted to share with you, but before doing so, going to the Father through Christ... and sincerely asking the Father... from your heart... to grant you a bit of His Holy Spirit, THROUGH Christ... and to send that One, His Holy Spirit, TO you... so that HE might teach you... and so that you might hear HIS voice explain these things to you... in order for you to get the SENSE of them.

    I am to ask you to exercise faith and proceed, and NOT doubt, and that should you NEED faith to hear... to ASK Him for such faith ("help me out where [I] need faith"), a fruit of His holy spirit... for it... in the same manner that you are to ask for guidance in this matter.

    Truly, it is NOT a deep, mysterious thing to "come to"... or for Him to come to us. The ONLY requirement... is that we go THROUGH... afterward LISTEN TO... Christ... in doing so. Then HE... will "lead" you... into ALL truth... so that you do not need ANYONE to be teaching you anymore.

    John 14:6 John 10:27 John 8:32 John 14:6 John 8:36

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH (Psalm 68:4) of Armies, and the peace and wisdom of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA ("Jah Saves/Salvation of Jah") MISCHAJAH ("chosen/anointed of Jah") be upon you, in this matter... and all others... should you so wish it.

    Your servant, as I am servant to all those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with, and a slave of Christ by means of an anointing with holy spirit (and, yes, I am quite serious - I would NOT "play games" with you on this!)


  • sacrebleu

    I believe that Jesus is the only one who can "save" me. I can worship in a church or not. It doesn't matter.

    Here is what churches are for:

    When my husband had open heart surgery the church took up a collection and gave us over $1000, fixed our roof and brought us cooked meals and groceries.

    When my JW sisters wanted my mom in a nursing home and I called the pastor crying out for help, he and his wife were here with a notary public within 30 minutes. They helped my mother appoint my husband and me as her sole legal decision makers.

    When I am depressed, sick, angry, or downhearted, I have someone to call on. When I want prayer for myself or a relative, I have people who care and will visit me and pray for me. Never had that as a JW.

    THAT is all the church can do. That and POSSIBLY help educate you about the Bible. That is ALL.

    No one died for me but Christ. Since leaving the JWs, I have consistantly refused to take a name other than Christian no matter where I go to church or what denomination is listed over the door. That may not answer all of your questions, but this is for me the most important point. Christ and Christ alone.

    God bless your socks off!



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