May you have peace!
If you will permit me, I would like to respond to your initial questions, as the Spirit has now permitted me, before proceeding with a response to your latest comments.
1. Is this the last days?
No. The “last day” is when the general resurrection occurs… which is AFTER the abyssing of Satan… which is AFTER the 1,000 years have ended… which is AFTER the 1,000 years… which is AFTER the “great tribulation”… which is AFTER our Lord returns and EVERY eye sees him… which has not occurred, yet. That is not to say, however, that we should start living as if it is not.
2. If so, was a preaching work to be done? If so, in what format?
A “preaching work” IS to be “done”… regardless of what “day” it is. The format is NOT “house-to-house,” as erroneously taught by the WTBTS. They erroneously take that from Paul’s words where he stated that he did not hold off from going from house to house preaching/teaching. What Paul was REFERRING to here was that he went from the house of one chosen… to the house of another chosen one… to the house of another chosen one… and so on… sharing with them the things revealed to him by the Spirit.
He did NOT go around randomly knocking on folks doors, however – he could not. How do we know this? We know because of what my Lord said… and did:
a. When he sent his disciples out, he told them to search out those “deserving.” Contrary to the false teaching of the WTBTS that such ones are determined by how they “respond” to their message, they are DETERMINED… by Christ. And by no other means. HE… ALONE… determines who is “deserving.” And so, for example, he TOLD Philip to join himself to the eunuch’s chariot. He TOLD Ananias to receive Paul. He TOLD Peter to find Cornelius. He TOLD Cornelius to find Peter.
b. He TOLD those he sent out to STAY IN THE HOUSE of those HE sent them TO; they would know such ones by whether or not they accepted the greeting of peace he told them to wish upon the household.
Bottom line: HE… sends his disciples to those who are “deserving”… or sends such “deserving” ones… to his disciples: “YOU… did not choose ME; I… chose YOU.”
3. If you conclude that "organized" religion is not needed or sanctioned by god, what do you believe was to be the desired method of worship?
The REQUIRED method... is Spirit… and Truth, in two ways:
Way 1 - By OUR spirit (the “man” you are on the INSIDE, as flesh with its blood cannot enter into the spirit realm)… and WITH truth (you cannot enter into the Most Holy and approach God unless you are “clean.” This does not mean that you are not “ceremonially” clean (i.e., having bathed your flesh, which was a “sign” of “things to come”)… nor does it mean that you are without sin, per se. We are, all of us… “with sin.” It means that you must be clean ON THE INSIDE – i.e., without hatred, without deception, without hypocrisy, so that your “other” sins… can be “covered over”… and “blotted out”… by CHRIST… who can and will do so by means his BLOOD… by which our sins are FORGIVEN… and “cleansed.” If you have hatred, deception and hypocrisy, then you PREVENT the Christ from applying the atoning value of his blood against your sins. Universal law.
Way 2 – By the Spirit and TRUTH… the HOLY Spirit of God, His TRUTH… that is the glorified Christ. There is NO OTHER “WAY” in which we can approach God. None. JOHN 14:6
To help you understand this truth, I give you the example of Joseph… and Pharaoh. Although Pharaoh was the HIGHEST authority in the land, he gave ALL authority, except that over himself… to Joseph… including dispensing grain to the hungry. What did this mean? It meant that if you wanted some of PHARAOH’s grain to keep you and your household living… you had to go to JOSEPH… to get it! You could NOT just march up to the palace and say, “Hey, Pharaoh, I’m hungry, my household is hungry… and we’d like some grain.” Not even if you had 10-gajillion denarii to pay for it. The RULE was that IF you wanted grain… you had to march up to JOSEPH’S door. And then JOSEPH… AND NO ONE ELSE… would determine whether you would get some of Pharaoh’s grain.
IF you tried to get into the palace to approach Pharaoh WITHOUT having gone through Joseph… you got nothing. NOTHING. In addition, you were tossed out, maybe even imprisoned for your impetuousness… maybe even killed (say, if you didn’t “leave quietly”). Why? Because… IF YOU DISRESPECTED, DISREGARDED, OVERLOOKED, or IGNORED JOSEPH… you, in essence, DISRESPECTED, DISREGARDED, OVERLOOKED, or IGNORED PHARAOH… because HE is the one who made the RULE that Joseph was the “go to” man.
It is the exact same thing… with the Christ. NO ONE… can come to the Father… EXCEPT through him! John 14:6 And so, simply saying “in the name of Jeezus”… won’t cut it.
4. Given the fact of the Tetregrammaton's obvious existence, do you believe that the usage (regardless of the uncertainty of pronounciation) of god's personal name is desired of god?
Yes. Vehemently, yes. What that name IS… however, is another story… and not what you have been led to believe. The WTBTS has taught you that God’s name is “Jehovah”… based on some contrived mistransliteration of consonants “JHVH” in that name. Others have told you that the name is “Yahweh” and mistransliterate the actual consonants themselves (“YHWH”). The TRUTH… is that God’s name… is JAH… of Armies… and the CORRECT transliteration is “JHVH” – however, the VOWELS are “a” and “e”… only… and NOT “e,” “o” and “a’. So that the TRUE name is:
pronounced "Yah Veh"... and means “JAH… of Armies”… technically... and “He who breathes armies into existence,” “He who brings forth armies,” “He who causes armies to become,” literally. Any of those are accurate. And by “armies,” it does not mean military might… but NUMBERS… as in myriads of angels.
5. Did god and jesus basically expect us to congregate in "loosely" knit congregations ( as described in the book of Rev.) for support and fellowship only, as we await the end?
No, no expectation. Indeed, most of the Prophets served from a solitary position. My Lord himself, while having a great crowd eventually follow him, only initially chose 12 to be “in congregation” with him. Thus, there only needs to be ONE to be “used” by the Spirit; however, “where TWO… or MORE… are gathered” (and such gathering is “in his name”… meaning, the PURPOSE of the gathering is to either receive spirit… or impart spirit…)… there HE is also.
6. If this is the case, then.....generally speaking, does this not mean that "all (christian) roads lead to the same place"......that old saying, which the JW's like to poo-poo, so as to endorse the concept of one true religion?
All “Christian” roads do NOT lead “to the same place,” for there is only ONE "road"… one “Way”… Christ. There is NO other “way”. None.
And simply calling oneself a “Christian” does not make one so. A ‘christian”… is a “christ”… or “chosen/anointed”… person. Christ-ian. They have been chosen BY CHRIST… by means of an anointing with God’s holy spirit. There are MANY “false” christs, however, with the purpose of “mislead[ing], if possible, even the chosen ones.”
But Christ’s TRUE chosen ones, those who are TRULY anointed with holy spirit… HIS sheep… hear HIS voice… and do not listen to voice of “strangers,” no matter what they call themselves. John 10:1-15, 27.
I have read CoC and IsoCF by Raymond Franz and understand that he generally does NOT belong to any organized religion. But, I obviously don't want to "follow" yet another man's interpretation of god's word.
Well, the TRUTH is that if you wish to see God, you MUST follow His Word. That Word, however, is NOT the Bible. Rather, it is the Holy One of Israel, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH… of Armies.
John 1:14; Revelation 19:13
God has no other Word. None. And although God USED to speak us through the Prophets (which ones received what they did from my Lord), He NOW speaks to us... by means of that Word, His Son.
Hebrews 1:2
Thus the humble request for your sincere opinions.
I, YOUR humble servant, by means of being servant of ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and ALL those who go with, have stated it to you just as I have heard it and received it from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Truthfully… and sincerely. HE is the Light that came into the world… and only HE… is the Light that “brightens” our path through this journey. There is no other. Truly.
I have other questions but these are the biggies. I really welcome any and all input.
I, SA, have not withheld anything that I have been granted to share with you here from you.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH… of Armies… and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA (“Jah Saves; Salvation of Jah”) MISCHAJAH (“chosen/anointed of JAH”) be upon you, if you so wish. May He, through Christ, grant you ears to hear what the Spirit… and the Bride… KEEP saying, to ALL those thirsting, ALL those wishing, ALL those seeking, ALL who are asking… and ALL who are knocking:
“Come! Take ‘life’s water’… the holy spirit of God, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH… of Armies… which spirit is poured from the most inward parts of HIS chosen “cistern”… His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… free!”
Your servant, and a slave of Christ,