If U Had To Make A Choice----The Internet or a TV?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    TBH I cant make a choice.....I am on the internet an awful lot.......but I love the telly when football is on and fishing and big brother...and the news....and miami ink....and LA ink...and ...etc etc...and my PS3......and having a 50 inch plasma to watch it on is amazing.......materialistic ninja

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm on the Internet very rarely.

    So, I'm going with the TV.

  • AudeSapere

    Oh yeah! I almost forgot.

    If there is a show your really, really must see, you can always grab a pizza or a 6-pack and crash at a friend's house for a few hours.

    Or find a local pub and confiscate the remote.

    There's options and substitutions for tv. But I gotta have my internet. All my friends are there...


  • Clam

    You wouldn't catch me using either.

  • llbh

    Internet no cintest though I need time & inclination hoe to work things out like ..how to make an avatar!!! lol


  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    all the TV is on the web especially with torrentz and such...I am trying to convince the haus frau to drop cable tv, but not that strongly...

  • RubaDub

    Is Sunday/Monday nite football on the internet in HD ???

    THAT would do it for me.

    Rub a Dub

  • jaguarbass

    My wife bought me a tv last Christmass. So far this year I have watched it 1 hour. I didnt know I had to make a choice. Actually we have about 5 tvs in the house.

    For me there are not enough hours in the day to watch tv.

    I can get the news I want much faster on the computer.

    Back in the 90's i would watch Seinfield. When it went into reruns I used to watch it everyday at 7:30, But for the past few years the only time I sit in front of a tv screen is if my wife puts a dvd in and we watch a movie on the weekend.

    When I was in my teens thru 30's I think I watched tv like most people maybe 3 hours a day. Then I grew out of it or maybe found other interest.

    Comming here is about as addictive and relaxing as watching tv. I have more productive things to do and I just end up hanging out here and surfing the net.

  • Hortensia

    Internet. I barely watch television now, anyway. And I can watch television on my computer - thanks to a neat web page with TV links that I found out about from someone on this forum.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If I had to?

    No I have to so the internet is it - far more entertaining

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