Anti-Virus, WHICH ONE????? HELP !!!!

by horrible life 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I have used Norton security and Anti-Virus protection for 2 years. I downloaded from Norton, for what I think was $89.00. It expires tonight. I was going to
    re-signup. The cost now is $49 to $59. The $59 is Norton 360. with an extra $12.00 tacked on, if you want to ever download it a 2nd time. Like an insurance policy, if your computer goes down. Fine

    I went on the internet, to see if this was the cheapest I could get it for. YES!!! Re-signing has its advantages. BUT, I found a, rate this product, site, and it is horrible. People are saying it crashed their computers etc. They give it a failing grade.

    So, what should I do?? I need it tonight, and I can download it from the computer, or I have a Walmart. HELP!!!!!

  • AlphaOmega

    I gave up on Norton a year or so ago - the AV was fine, but the rest of it just slowed the computer down horribly.

    I did use AVAST (free) but it let me down a week ago, and some snotty little mailer worm got me !

    I now use AntiVir also free as it got me out of trouble.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Norton and McAffee are old code based products that bog down your computer immensely.

    I suggest Panda, which is new code based, uses minimal disk space, doesn't bog your computer down, and has adaptive algorithms that search for "virus-like" behaviors, allowing it to potentially find viruses way before Norton or McAffee are updated so they can find them.

    BA- Uses Panda

  • 5go

    I use Defender 5 in 1 or what ever is at your store $20 most of the time.

    It works good enough, don't bother with the rest they suck down too much memory and CPU resources. Next in line would be PC-cillin it is the best over all in my opinion. Most of my tech friends use PC-cillin.

  • SixofNine

    BA may have the best advice about the various products. But, for what it's worth, you can get McAffee free from AOL (firewall, spyware, virus), you don't have to be a member. It updates most every day, and I usually run it in the middle of the night because as BA points out, it's a resource hog. I'm no huge fan of AOL, but they do have as much vested interest as anyone on the planet in keeping the net safe from virus and spyware.

  • Finally-Free

    I use Kapersky Interent Security. It's not free.

    My only complaint is that it killed all my hacking tools I had saved on a portable drive. My fault for not excluding that drive from being scanned.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Do I want Security and AntiVirus? What is Security?

  • AlphaOmega

    Security is a software firewall.

    Zone Alarm free edition is good - once you've got the hang of it.

  • Finally-Free
    Do I want Security and AntiVirus? What is Security?

    Antivirus software is one component of a security suite. Other components would include anti-spam, anti-spyware, and firewall components.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How's free? I've used Norton and this. I hated Norton, liked the free stuff. The Norton was like a virus itself. Go figure.

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