Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater Goodbye Watchtower Hello Nothing?

by Magick 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magick

    several years ago, when i was still interested in doctrine...i got proficient enough at scripture checkers that i could play both sides of the trinity. playing checkers is boring enough, but alone?

    i was angry that i had been deceived. try as i might to fade gracefully, i did open my mouth to a few jws. these friends (yes they are still) admired me for my intelligence, so what i had to say hit them over the head with a sledgehammer. i did not know it at the time the effect i had on them, i was in my own misery.

    one jw friend, never talked to me again about the bible...ever.

    another friend told me later..."i figured you were talking to 'those apostates' online and they had mislead you"

    another friend just recently told me..."remember when we saw each other several years ago?" "well, something you said got to me..." "it got to me so bad that i actually started thinking i was an atheist" "i was already depressed, and losing god (and everything) made me want to commit suicide"

    this third friend has moved back to my city and we are close friends again. she is a very social person and figures out a way to help and use just about everyone. she uses jws as her network. she had been disfellowshipped before (a very difficult and well known disfellowshipping that took years to get back) so she knows what it's like to be without anyone.

    she told me..."no matter what, i will always be your friend" "nothing you can do or say will cause me to stop talking to you, i love you" this is from a person that I (as a witness) SHUNNED FOR YEARS! i told her that i understood her situation and would try not to destroy her faith. she believes enough to keep her a witness. she is one of those persons who thinks "whom shall we go away to?"

    again, i will say to those on this thread that think i am referring to atheism when i say ALL or NOTHING. when i refer to "nothing" or "throwing it ALL away"

    atheists believe in SOMETHING. they have done their research and have decided for THEMSELVES NOT to believe in god. they have made a choice, taken a stand, been moved to action and are content with their decision. they are not in turmoil and agony of spirit. science, rationalism, facts, hardcore evidence fulfills them. they OWN their OWN belief system.

    when i refer to NOTHING....and throwing it ALL away. it's more about those of us who are suffering with fear, shame, guilt, avoidance. who with those horrible feelings beat themselves up constantly. their mind is torn. they want to believe in god, they feel it deep inside that god exists or at least something does. but are still trapped by witness thinking. it's like they have left the witnesses, but the witness has not left them. they are their own worst enemy. a terrible, judgemental jw is inside of their liberated body...paralyzing them into nothing. the automatic thoughts of "you are not good enough" "you left jehovah" "maybe the witnesses have the truth" "i'm going to die at armageddon" "jehovah hates me" "i'm bad, evil" "i can't go to another religion, i'd be worshipping satan" "i still believe in Jehovah and the new order" "i won't be in paradise" and on and on and on.

    those of us who leave, without finding a way to be deprogrammed...are more likely to suffer from anxiety, phobias, depression, isolation, withdrawel, social anxiety, sexual dysfunction, low self-esteem, guilt, judgmentalism. "throwing the baby out" to them means not facing their fears. not taking on personal responsibility. not taking a stand to believe in SOMETHING. choosing to avoid the subject, push it down, try to forget it all, ignore it. it's a coping mechanism. if i avoid it then i don't have to make a decision and i can avoid the pain. if some of these are asked "what is your religion" they may say..."i don't have any" or "christian" or "i'm more spiritual than religious" they avoid praying or thinking about god. go through life ignoring their spirituality. outside they may look "wordly" they could have grown a beard, got a tattoo, started smoking or taking drugs...even left their husband or wife. but, inside they still feel like a "witness" like they really don't fit in, that others will see right through them, they are an imposter...they still feel "different" and are longing to feel "normal"

    all of their life they have had someone make their decisions for them. now, alone...they are incapable of making a decision. this is when they think..."maybe i was better off as a witness."

    we were witnesses. seven days a week, 365 days a year. just because you stop going to the kingdom all doesn't change this. if you throw it all away, you are left with an empty shell (a tattooed worldy one). one good squeeze from the "world" and you shatter and blow away.

    We are no longer part of a man made religion. Some of us are Atheists, some of us are crazy over the top fundamentalists. Some of us are NOTHING. But, we want to be SOMETHING. if we could just get rid of this fear...this fear of "what if" just maybe "they were right"

    this fear of deciding for ourselves what we want to believe.

  • purplesofa
    if we could just get rid of this fear...this fear of "what if" just maybe "they were right"

    I don't hold that fear anymore.


  • steve2
    IMHO, the GB painted God as an ogre.

    Actually, to be fair, it's the Bible that paints one of the worst pictures of God Jehovah as an ogre. Go back to the books of Leviticus, Joshua and Judges - to say nothing of Ezekiel and you'll find copious examples of the bellowings of an extremely jealous and violent God.

    This does not let the GB off the hook for its own peculiar spin on the fate that awaits those who don't listen to the GB. But places in context the fact that historically the God of the Bible has kind of cornered the monster scene with a dash of supposed "love" thrown in to engender guilt among his supposedly unthankful human creations.

  • steve2

    This is the part I haven't figured out, Magick. How to reconcile Jehovah with Jesus. The two seem polar opposites.

    Good point Dinah. They cannot really be reconciled because they are human creations from different time periods. The monster creation Jehovah reflected the type of society that existed several thousand years ago: Everyone else not in your tribe was an enemy who had to be destroyed or he would destroy you. Look at the vividly violent content of many of the books in the Hebrew Scriptures. Jehovah God simply reflected the main outlook of the earlier society. By contrast, Jesus is a product of his time which was relatively more outward looking and seemingly ready for a kinder, more forgiving God. Hey presto? Jehovah or Yahweh of old is then seen through new eyes. People conveniently forget or "explain away" the blood lust of the hebrew Scriptures, and we move on. Occasionally, when we dare to use our brain cells, we become troubled by the hocking differences between the Gods in our pantheon. We either wake up and realise, Hey they're our creations or we engage in convoluted explanatory processes to demonstrate that the glaring discrepancies all really, really, really fit nicely together. Gorwing up for many begins when they toss the fairy stories and develop skills for adult responsibility.

  • Sunspot

    There have been some EXCELLENT points made here, starting with the opening post. I had been a "hook-line and sinker" JW for 30 years, but in debating WTS beliefs online, I then saw some ideas that I never had seen before. Fortunately for me---as I lost faith and trust in the WTS teachings, I did not lose these in the bible or in Jesus Christ. I DID still feel there was credibility and truth in these although I admit that I have MUCH more appreciation for the New Testament Jesus and HIS teachings now....and not in the Old Testament teachings of "Jehovah". I have "gone" to Jesus after leaving the WTS.

  • golf2

    One of my hobbies is teaching golf professionally. Couple of ex-wit who participate on this forum have a copy of my golf book. Through-out this book, I remind the readers that my job is to "teach you to teach yourelf." This ideology aided me to break away from the witness influence. Life has a lot to offer in this system. I gave plenty to the witness program and when I needed assistance, no one was around to assist me. I believe in the adage, 'God helps those who help themselves."

    One MUST get to believe in themselves!


  • darkuncle29

    Good thread, I wish my family could get online and read these. (They're all OUT of the borg, just on different parts of the road away from the org.)

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Great Post

  • avidbiblereader

    Very well put, great thread and posts


  • freyd

    So who would the wise and faithful servant providing food to the household of faith in the end times?

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