I don't understand, why my daugther refuses to come to her home during both thanksgiving and christmas. we are trying to understand her beliefs, and keep an open mind. we just want her to come and partake of being with her family....during these family times.
My Daugthers refusal to join us for secular holidays!
by KARINNJIM 29 Replies latest social family
Welcome KarennJim
Your daughter is choosing her religion and beliefs of not celebrating the holidays over being with her family. She cannot seperate the two, in thinking that she will be just joing the family and spending time together, she will be viewing it as a celebration of the holiday with the family.
Most of us are on the opposite end of the equation, wanting to be accepted and spend time with our extended families that are JW's and we are the ones shunned.
Sorry for your troubles. Go back to the 'stories' here and start reading and that will provide you with a lot of information. It will also open your eyes to what will eventually happen to your family should she remain firmly entrenched in the society. Basically, the members must choose between the organization and their 'real' family. Once they choose the society, your relationship will never be the same. For example - lets say she's giving birth to your first grandchild. She loses a lot of blood and needs a transfusion (not uncommon for many women) but she refuses to take one and you cannot get past the hospital liasion committee (a group of JW's who guard the patient) so she dies. She has chosen her faith over her child - and that child if it lives and is raised in a JW household, will likely never know you because you are not one of them. You are tainted. sammieswife.
You are considered "worldly" or not one of them, and therefore "bad association". They are encouraged to only associate with other JW's with like faith.
That's one of the sad realities of the JW cult. They train you to think that everything and everyone that is not associated with the watchtower society is an unwitting tool of satan. That includes holidays and non JW family members.
Think of tainted like a virus. You aren't a JW so you are not pure - you live in Satan's world and therefore that makes you evil. If you are unfortunate enough to have been raised as a witness and all your family are still in - you are cast off and seen as now being part of the world. To them, that means that you engage in casual sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, hang out in bars, use foul language, steal, lie, cheat and do anything perverse or sordid that you can imagine. So think of how they begin to view their own 'worldly' family after a while - the same people they loved and grew up and now find so disgusting. sammieswife.