The Silver is MINE! The Gold is MINE!

by Open mind 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    It's MINE, MINE, MINE!! Mine I tell you!

    (That would be Jehovah, in case you're interested.)

    For those non-masochist's who no longer submit themselves to 5 mind-numbing "spiritual feasts" per week, just thought I'd give you a taste of what you're missing this week.

    It's the Annual Money Grubbing Service Meeting Talk!

    The talk was based on a Watchtower article with, I shite you not, the title of this thread. (Well, OK, minus the exclamation points.) I cannot believe all the possible options the WT lines out on how to extract $ from old folks nearing death. It also included a bunch of shameless "experiences" of poor people from Mexico, Cameroon & Ukraine who are scrimping and making huge sacrifices in order to squeeze out some extra bucks for the Borg. Exact amounts in US Dollars were included. Some 6 year old Mexican boy contributed $110 after raising a pig and selling it! So quit being so cheap you no good, unthankful, Americans!

    The good news, locally, is this part was assigned to the most monotonous, hypnotic, zero-personality elder in our congo. I was paying close attention to how many people were actually listening.

    At most, 10%.

    It was horrible/fantastic (depending on your viewpoint). People were updating their calendars, getting gum and candy, perusing whatever Watchtowers & Awakes they could find in a fruitless quest for something remotely more interesting than what was coming through the sound system.

    Even the one, uber-strict, head-slapping "pay attention Johnny" family was letting their kids zone out. Get this. They had their huge stack of magazines sitting on the floor that they had obtained prior to the meeting. Uber Dad goes "psst" to his kid who was sitting next to the pile of mags. He motions for the kid to hand him the latest Awake! so he doesn't have to listen to the monotone drivel anymore.


    Ah, good times at the K Hall.

    Hope you feel all warm, fuzzy and upbuilt now.

    Open Mind

    ps. Attn Bethel Monitors: You might want to include something in the instructions next year to have a "qualified illdoer" handle this part. I have a feeling donations were lower than usual after this meeting.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Oh, one last thing, to make this thread a little more interactive.

    What shameless JW money-grubbing tactics have you heard?

    Open Mind

  • 5go

    I just got through hearing the service meeting part where it starts with the witnesses don't beg for money, and which ends with a pleading for more donations to the world wide work. Also the proper way to write a check for said donations, and how to leave your estate to them as well.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Gotta love it! Always mentioning that they don't pass the collection plate. Why bother asking for pocket change, they'd rather have everything that you spent your entire lifetime acumulating - house, life insurance, jewlery, what else ya got!

  • BFD

    Why don't they just pass a collection plate? What's the difference?


  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Why don't they just pass a collection plate? What's the difference?

    Da Debil (Christendom) uses collection plates.

    Jehober uses boxes and periodic "guilt talks".

    Don't you see? It's what sets JWs apart.

    Open Mind

  • White Dove
    White Dove


  • VM44

    Guess which publication is the only one that the Watchtower will mail people upon request?

  • VM44

    Did Jehovah ever say "The Money is Mine!"?

    Note that Jehovah did NOT create money! That is a creation of man's.

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    Even the one, uber-strict, head-slapping "pay attention Johnny" family was letting their kids zone out. Get this. They had their huge stack of magazines sitting on the floor that they had obtained prior to the meeting. Uber Dad goes "psst" to his kid who was sitting next to the pile of mags. He motions for the kid to hand him the latest Awake! so he doesn't have to listen to the monotone drivel anymore.


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