My JW father, I bet he's dissapointed in my ass!

by dawg 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlerockguy

    Hey Dawg!!

    I would love to try some of your brownies! I never tried Jack Daniels and ginger ale together although I love ginger ale. If I lived in Georgia I would drop in and say hi. Maybe perhaps I will see one of these days at one of the great apostafests in Dallas! If you have a chance, go! The experience is truly amazing!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    *note to self*

    (Don't get in a debate with VoidEater. I think he'd kick my non-cerebral ass.)

    Great comments VoidEater!

    This really sounds like a lot of JWs I've known and a little bit of myself:

    he's never individuated, become a fully functional human, and craves the approval of a surrogate parent - the society.

    Parents who never give their kids the security blanket of unconditional love really mess them up. "Good" JW parents aren't supposed to give their kids unconditional love when it comes right down to it. If you leave "the truth", you're no longer worthy of your loyal-JW parent's approval. And of course, your heavenly "Father" is also not ready to live and let live either.

    What a freakin' head game man!


    I'm not old enough to be your Dad, but FWIW:

    "You're a good man and if you were my son I'd be damn proud of you!"

    Open Mind

  • dogisgod

    My mom has been tormenting me to go back to the meetings. for 17 yrs. I have two older brothers who have nothing to do with the truth, one in prison( for drugs and murder), one retired gun, racist antisocial weirdo. The sun rises and sets with them. I finally broke down one day and started crying and told my mom that I am sorry that I'm not what she wants me to be but I just can't and I leave my judgement to Jehovah and so should she. She has really backed away since then and we get along better.

  • JWdaughter

    I don't know why they are so upset-like they need any more insincere drones in the org? If I was just living in sin but really believed all the crap, I could see my mom wanting me back in-but I don't buy into any of the lies. I truly don't believe it is the "truth". My heart condition (UGH) would not change one iota if I went, I would be sneering at the lies and manipulation the entire time I was in the hall (not unlike too many here are forced to do because of their own circumstances). Why do they want us there? So that they can have the seat fillers that they claim are the only folks at christendom's churches on Sundays? What is that all about???

    I'd have a drink with you, and a brownie too-interesting combination:)


  • momzcrazy


    I would be proud to have you as a big brother. You seem like a wonderful man.


  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Well even though my parents haven't spoken to me for five years, I know they are very upset with me.

    I was the golden boy, who was a 'great Watchtower reader', gave 'lovely' talks, including some public talks and was well on the way to being an Elder (just like Daddy).

    They never realised that when I was 'in' I didn't really believe it and was always jealous of those 'in the world' having fun.

    Anyway I got d'fed for loose conduct - got divorced, remarried and I have a fantastic relationship with my kids. My second marriage is wonderful, I'm working extremely hard and gaining the rewards from it - five star holidays twice a year etc etc.

    I love all the things I was not meant to love when I was a Witto - material things, 'the showy display of ones means of life' (!), 'worldy' music, R rated movies - basically having fun.

    I also have a much higher regard for my fellow human being - I give more to charity now than ever before and of course I wear my poppy with pride in november.

    My parents are now in their seventies and I do worry about them and their health. They reckon that it is my actions that have forced them to shun me. I cope with this by realising that it is not really their fault - they have been conditioned by being JW's for so long.

    Peace and love to all.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Hey Dawg maybe one day your father will also see the light that the JWS is more a business venture rather than a spiritually guided religion

    perhaps some gentle persuasion on your part.

    PS..... watch out for that booze and drugs thing, that can be another downer.....take care

  • VoidEater

    Dear Open: I'm a fluffy bunny! Really! Ask BP!

    Pondering this over the past couple days (I was quite impacted by the subject) this really wierd thought came into my head...I'm pretty sure my parents would be just as disappointed if I were to say I was one of the Annointed and have a Heavenly Hope - they really only seem to be concerned that I might not be around to be with them forever on Earth (a frightening thought - stuck with me forever - FOREVER).

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    yes dawg, i will have to tell my dad, he will not be happpppyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    soon i will be there with you!! you are not alone, cheers, crown and coke

    big d

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