most disturbing movie scene you've seen?

by knock knock 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude
    From one sick mind to another...LOL.

  • ninja

    my mother in law in a swimsuit on the beach.......I am sure there was a scientist on the beach who saw that poor bit of material trying to contain the irresistible force of her flesh......and realised how much energy an atom contains....voila!!!!!......the atomic bomb was conceived!!!.....btw....she also looks like a man and that is why its no coincidence that the second nuclear bomb ever dropped was called "fatman".....

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    I think I was too traumatized by it to remember any specific scenes, but I would have to say Salo by Pier Paolo Pasolini (based on 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade) was the most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I don't recommend anyone finding out why I say that.

    There were also scenes very disturbing to me in Death and the Maiden, Sophie's Choice, Closet Land, Caligula, River's Edge, and The Reflecting Skin. Of course, an evening spent watching Faces of Death and Bad Taste is also not the most fun I've ever had...fortunately.

    (And there you have some of the highlights of my marriage...LOL)

    No wonder I don't watch movies much anymore.


  • R.Crusoe

    Any scenes where humans are cruel for the sake of it. I don't identify with or enjoy anything along those lines in movies or tv. As such I just switch or dont bother viewing it. Seems pointless to dwell on things so negative about humans. I prefer life and creativity stuff!

  • avishai

    The scene in the hotel room w/ Willem Dafoe and Laura Dern in Wild at heart. Or just about all of David Lynch's films. Or all of "Once were warriors"

  • heathen

    Has to be the scene in scarface where they're in the bathroom and the guy gets carved up with a chain saw.Pretty gross stuff , but that faces of death had some real footage of some pretty ugly scenes in it .

  • bigmouth

    baby starving to death in Trainspotting.

  • worldtraveller

    A very short film of a middle age Polish immigrant arriving in Vancouver airport - getting tazered, head stomped and subsequent death. Then watching the 4 cops just stand there like the heartless scum they are not trying to help revive him. I am embarassed to be a Canadian at this time. I can only hope there is justice handed out to these thugs. My condolences to his mother.

  • James Free
    James Free

    Hostel - I have seen so much over the years that very little fazes me, but this one was a new height of violence.

  • eclipse

    The movie Seven disturbed me with nightmares for quite a few months...

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