most disturbing movie scene you've seen?

by knock knock 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    I can think of a few.

    1. I agree with littlerockguy - Last House on The Left. The voilence is too disturbing.

    2. The rape of the little girl in "Time to Kill."

    3. I don't remember the name of the movie but it came out several years ago, it starred Sally Fields and her teenage daughter (who had a stutter) was raped and murdered while Sally Fields heard everything over the phone. I believe the rapist was Keifer Sutherland.

  • 600murray

    Saving Private Ryan

    The scene where the enemy stabs the American in the heart..slowly,looking into his eyes, and he is pleading, no, no no, (the coward is in the stair well and doesn't come to help).

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Schindler's list

    when the German army officer shot the one-armed press operator in the head because he thought he was useless to Oskar Schindler.

  • dinah


    That was "Eye for an Eye", great movie. I love Sally Field.

  • Gregor

    Didn't like the scene in Munich when the two mossad agents killed the assasin on her houseboat. What a waste of a beautiful woman.

  • pratt1

    Dinah - Correct.


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    There was a scene in Platoon where a US soldier bashes a kid in the head an kills him. Horrible.

  • DJK

    I walked out on Black Hawk Down 15 minutes into the movie. So didn't a lot of people.

  • Warlock

    In "The Birds" there is a scene where there is someone on the floor, slumped against the wall, and their eyes have been pecked out.


  • bluesbreaker59

    1. Deliverance - the "man rape" scene of poor Ned Baty

    2. Hostel - really gross, disturbing scenes in this

    3. American History X - this movie never needed to be made, highly disturbing on many levels, (biting curb, more man rape, all the hate)

    4. Exorcist - I don't do well with "demonic stuff", this one was the only movie to ever give me nightmares, and it did for 3 weeks, after I saw it when I was 14. It still disturbs me today when I see it

    5. Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning - way too gruesome, and just sick, not really "scary", more just shock value violence

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