What Religion Do you Follow Now?

by luna14 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna14

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to the site. I wish I had known about it earlier, it would have avoided a lot of the guilty feelings I felt when I was DF in 1998. It's so cool to see so many members. Anyway I wanted to ask what religion do you follow now that you are no longer a JW? I am in a non-traditional faith and it took me a while to feel like I could pray again. They told me God / Jehovah would not hear my prayers if I left. Looking forward to reading your replies.

    Peace & Light - Luna

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I'm a Homerovah Witness

    Hi Luna and welcome to the forum

    To be honest I think you'll find that most of the posters here are non-religious with a few that have moved over to another faith besides JWS

    It seems that after one has experienced all the trials and tribulations with JWS in their personal lives, that many have left religion altogether, think of it as an aftereffect.

    In any case keep a searching I'm sure you'll find someone

  • littlerockguy

    Once I left the WTS that was enough for me. I don't and never will follow or support ANY other relgion again. Ever. Oddly enough during the years I was an active JW my parents were apathetic towards religion, now my dad goes with his wife to some church I dont know the demonination of and my mother is getting baptized in the LDS church and asked me to go to her baptism.

    The only time I ever go to "church" it is for weddings or a funeral and that's it.


  • Casper

    Hi luna14,

    Welcome to the board..

    I too, felt that I couldn't pray, due to the teaching that my prayers would go no farther
    than the ceiling. I still struggle with the thought that I am just talking to myself when I

    I have been out of the organization for almost 10 years now and I still have not found
    my "Spiritual" place. I am searching tho.

    Leaning a lot towards just "Inner Peace" without man made rules, I am sure you will find
    a lot of useful information here.

    Again Welcome,


  • marmot

    I'm a Pastafarian.

    All hail FSM!

  • jelcat8224

    Welcome Luna14!!

    I'm sure you can probably guess what religion I follow now.

    Good luck in your search and I hope to see more of you around!


  • eclipse

    Welcome sister moon,

    I serve no man (religion) any longer, and choose to practice my spirituality in my mind.

    Welcome to JWD, and I wish you much peace and light on your journey of discovery.

  • 5go

    The religion of the gnostic 5go. I don't have one. I have my own beliefs, and I try to keep them to my self unless there is a good topic going.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    I am an ordained minister with the Universal Life church ULC.org (^_^) the Beetles among others are/were also ordained members of my new religion which has only one commandment...

    do what is right.

    we believe everyone has the right and duty to find GOD [or themselves as GOD] at their own pace in their own way.
    Ordination is free to all.

  • 5go
    I'm a Pastafarian.

    All hail FSM!

    I am so sorry for you may the IPU bless you with her pepperoni pizza and bacon cheeseburger loving presence.


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