Pastafarian here! May you be touched by the FSM's noodly appendage! Yaaaargh!
What Religion Do you Follow Now?
by luna14 19 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not a member of a religion, because once you can see through one, it's easy to see through all the others.
I follow Jesus.
He's Alive
He's Real
He Saves
Welcome to the forum luna
I don't follow a particular religious organisation now but still have a christian faith.
I'm not a member of a religion, because once you can see through one, it's easy to see through all the others.
Beautifully stated. I agree wholeheartedly.
Reefton Jack
To borrow a phrase from another poster on this board, I describe myself as all "religioned out" after my time with the JWs.
Jack. -
Am still a Christian. A non-denominational one for now and maybe for good.
Believe the bible is likely inspired of God, but am personally 100 percent certain that there is A GOD.
I know that God is real. I believe in the Bible but there are issues as to what the Bble means and what God means and how the Bible applies.
I try to simply love my fellow man. I try to communicate with God always asking for his help and guidance and blessing.
With respect to what the Bible means about many things, if it is not defined then we reaaly do not know for sure. If such is the case, why would God make that information dubious or equivocal ifhe wanted us to know unequivocally. The ten commandmenst are clear and unequivocal and law having to do with loving your neighbohr as your self.
I am not apastofarian but I indulge on occassion . I lean towards antipasta it is less fatening than spiritual food.
Hope this helps
White Dove
I am looking into Wicca and paganism in general because it honors what I can clearly see as the source and supporter of all life. That is where I am at this point, anyway.
White Dove
I am religioned out but find that the philosophy of the Wiccan Rede to be all I need. The Wiccans themselves provide socialization and fun in their company and rituals. Just having fun with religion for a change though not following anything but a philosophy. Remember, religion is a snare and a racket. Joking! It can be good for some people but trapping for others.